Running Scrivener under darling

I know a lot of us run the Windows version of Scrivener under wine. There is a project similar to wine to run MacOS programs under Linux called darling. Has anyone here tried running the Mac OS version of Scrivener under darling? Was it a failure or did it actually work?

That is what I would like to know as well. Would be realy nice if it did.

So why don’t either of you try? Nobody’s mentioned it before.



Sorry to necropost, I came here looking for this very info, as no one appears to have tried it, I volunteer as tribute. Wish me luck. I’ll share how far I’ve gotten later today.

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After much weeping and gnashing of teeth, I surrender, with darling’s current state, running scrivener is not possible. Scrivener has a very complex ui that makes calls to several key elements that are not implemented in Darling at this time. I’ll keep an eye on the darling project and let folks know here if it ever works.