Running the 3.1.5 Beta with Wine or Bottles

tl;dr: Scrivener 3.1.5 is now running on Crossover 21.2.0.
Interesting thing: I ran the Crossover install for dotnet 4.8, rebooted the bottle, then ran the Scrivener ‘tie’ from the Crossover application. Their ‘recipe’ is older, and it downloaded and installed Scrivener 3.1.2. Once that completed, I quit the bottle and rebooted it – just to be safe. I then installed Scrivener 3.1.5 into the bottle, and now all seems good.
I don’t know if it was dotnet 4.8 or a wonky Scrivener install. Crossover’s Scrivener ‘recipe’ didn’t install anything new, although it may have updated some libraries. I haven’t gone through the entire list. Even though the SAPI library was set to ‘native,’ I still had to delete the texttospeech directory in order for Scrivener to launch.

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