Running the 3.1.5 Beta with Wine or Bottles

Remove texttospeech directory and Scrivener should start just fine. I had exactly this issue with Wine.

Thanks, I did that. Scrivener runs fine, but I can’t activate the license.

You do need to have .NET installed correctly into the bottle. I would have figured it would already have that set up for you, as that is kind of the purpose of them isn’t it? I’m not familiar enough with Crossover to answer how that would be done by hand. I use Wine more directly, and thus used winetricks to install it.

One trick that can help in figuring out what is going on is to launch Scrivener, and in File ▸ Options..., under General: Warnings, enable logging, then restart and try to activate. That will keep a logging window open that may show some clues.

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I installed dotNet48 and that did the trick. Thanks :slight_smile:

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