Scapple and other platforms (iOS, Windows etc)

Who says I don’t like iPads? I have five iPads, the first of which was shipped to me from the US before they were even available in the UK, and I use them regularly–for reading, internet browsing and coffee table stuff. In the three years I’ve been using iPads, however, I haven’t once had the urge to do anything involving writing more than a few words, and in cases where I’ve started to write any more, the frustration has soon driven me to fetch my MacBook. I am still as baffled as ever that anyone sane would choose to do anything that involves much typing on the iPad–I just assume they are all masochists, or too in love with the device to see that there are other, older devices that can do certain tasks better (or probably both). :slight_smile:

Anyway, all current iOS resources are devoted to Scrivener for iOS (something I want if only so that I can make very brief notes on my iPhone).

Baiting iPad users everywhere,
Keith :smiley:

My dissertation on theatre included several references to works of de Sade and Sacher-Masoch. So many great works of art come from the experience of suffering and pain. So, I guess that using an iPad for writing is a great way to go into the next masterwork. A missing Scapple would only make things even bitter.


Ay up! Kev mate! Wouldn’t go there if I were you. Ange, the missies’s got one. She vicious enough when everything’s going her way. Don’t do it Kev…please :frowning: Think de Sade to the power of ten :open_mouth:

It all makes sense now. :smiley:

I wouldn’t dare upset Mrs K!

I’ve just got the loveliness of using Scapple for running daily notes and to dos. But hampered by not having them on my iPad. I knw I can use mac notes, but I hate the lined yellow paper. Does ithoughts sync with a Mbp?

Oh no! Not you as well, Jenny, lost to the world of the iPad?

It’s worse than that. I’m devoted to my mini Ipad. Perfect weight, decent sized screen. It’s dying to sync my Mac’s Sapple.

There have been a couple of folks asking about existing iPad apps that might play well with Scapple. I have not tested this yet, but MagicalPad might be one. It does not have the clean-sheet-of-paper design (I mean in design of functionality, not physical look) of Scapple, but it does let you create a new point anywhere easily, it lets you relate notes in outline forms as well as free form, and it will import/export opml (this is the part I haven’t test yet to see how well it works with Scapple).

I will still look forward to the clean design of Scapple for iOS, but MagicalPad might fill the gap until then.

Hope this is helpful.


There are likely no programs that play nice with Scapple, because there are no universal standard formats for this kind of data, short of heavy-duty illustration formats like EPS, PostScript and PDF. These formats are not at all designed for the efficient transfer to abstract data models, however. They are designed for device-independent setting of printable material, so that a shape drawn in one of these forms (say, a clipart of a pencil) will print in the same dimensions and aspect ratio no matter where you print it from. In other words they are more a standard for plotting, drafting and laying out documents, than sharing data as one might with an OPML file between outliners.

Scapple does support export to data biased formats like OPML, but they will be non-spatial, flat and linear lists. So unless your definition of ‘plays nice’ includes rebuilding the visual appearance of the board every time you switch platforms: there is no such beast. :slight_smile: Upon return to Scapple, you’ll find only linear text files are support. There is no support for OPML import because there would be no advantage to supporting it over a linear text file.

And yes, Scapple does support vector PDF output, but you won’t find any PDF editors that work with the same philosophy as Scapple. If you have Acrobat Pro you can try, and you’ll see what I mean. A note with a fill and a border is actually some text overlapping a vector shape of one colour that is slightly smaller than, and overlapping a second vector shape of another colour, causing the illusion of a border being drawn around the first shape. The data model is almost entirely lost, it is just a painting of one.

I just registered here to add votes for Scapple in iPad format. More scientists (and MD’s) are using mobile devices now: in the field, at the lab bench, in lectures, at the desk, on planes, at bedside, even in the dark on microscopes. Scapple is like a mini white board, which often functions as the brain outside our cranium. Research scientists are also writers (not always by choice). I can foresee Scapple on iPad and Scrivener on lap/desktop being the ultimate tools for scientists (and all writers!) I will be waiting for an iPad Scapple app! (i.e. I’m begging :wink:

As a temporary replacement of Scapple for iOS, I would suggest MagicalPad, in addition to the aforementioned iThought HD. It is not as immediate as Scapple (for example, you have first to double-tap to create a note, and then double-tap to write into it, and creating links requires accessing to a dedicated menu), but with a few touches more it can serve for similar tasks. Being less immediate and more convoluted than needed, makes it less optimal for free thinking than Scapple.


Dear all,

I am a very very happy user of Scrivener, I use it everyday on Windows.
I look forward to use also Scapple on Windows.
At the moment I use Mindmanager but I need something that frees me from the concept of mindmapping.
I need a Scapple valid alternative while waiting for Scapple…is there anything that could be used in the meanwhile under Windows?
I tried MS OneNote but really I need something simpler, straightforward, fast…or, if nothing, I will wait for Scapple keeping on using my Moleskine notebook.
Thanks in advance!!!

If you’re looking for something like Scapple on Windows, watch this space. :wink:

Watching :mrgreen:

Scapple has completely increased my productivity. Being able to use the same scapples on mac or windows would be :open_mouth: 8)

And Scapple on my iPad … woooo, total climax :mrgreen:

Scapple for Windows and Scrivener for iPad first, then we’ll see what we can do about Scapple for iPad. :slight_smile:

Yeahh! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Is there any idea about the date of the release of Scapple for Windows?
Since I discovered Scrivenere I can’t write without it, so I assume that it will be the same for Scapple too.
So please…be so kind to release it asap, I will buy it the day after the release…

We can’t give a date of release yet, but we’re not too far away from a public beta…

Fantastic to hear!