Scapple and other platforms (iOS, Windows etc)

Is it possible to sign up for beta testing?

You won’t need to, because it will be a public beta. :slight_smile:

Duh! Was a bit overeager, nê.

Just in case anyone is subscribed to this post, but nothing else, you might want to head on over to the brand new Scapple for Windows Beta forum.

Well Keith -
It’s often said that the reward for good work is more work. Now you’ve found the right iOS developer (who turned out to be you) and have Scrivener for iPad up to alpha, maybe it’s time to take another look at whether the time is getting to be right for Scapple for iOS. I should probably qualify that as iPad because I think that even the biggest Apple phone screens aren’t big enough for it, but I’m circling around an iPad Pro and think that Scapple would be a really nice took on it.

I’m not always patient with people who want to tell me what to do with my time but don’t want to pay me to do it and I don’t expect much patience from others when the roles are reversed, but it might be a nice thing to turn to. I would buy it in a heartbeat (and my heartbeat is pretty quick).



Any news about Scapple for iOS? I could really use it! If not, any good alternatives?

In my quest for alternatives for Scapple on iOS I’ve hit bull’s eye: iThoughts.

You can read about me praising this wonderful app here:

I think it’s time for Scapple for iPad. Scrivner3 has been released,
The performance of iPad Pro and iOS11 is so amazing.
and Apple pencil will be the best tool for Scapple.
Recently I have been moving a simple task to my iPad Pro 12.9.
I still look forward to Scapple for iOS :smiley:

Simply to reiterate what is already being said, I would love to see Scapple come to iOS! My iPad is increasingly replacing my computer, and this is one program I can’t find a suitable replacement for. That’s the price you guys have to pay for simply being too amazing at what you do. :wink:

Let me have some rest! :smiley:

I’ve just discovered Scapple. It’s brilliant. Beyond brilliant.

To have it everywhere I go would be incredible. Please make it happen!

Just another hearty vote for Scapple iOS…asap! I want it. I need it. I will love it.

Nope. Get to work & then take my money.

Noob question, but does Scapple export to a file that can be read by other (mobile) mind mapping software?


Excellent, thanks.

Everyone I’ve shown Scapple wants it for their iPhone and/or iPad. You should consider it.

Ha! I finally found the forum for this topic :smiley: I am foaming at the mouth for Scapple on iOS. Ditto on all previous requests. Just saying :wink:

I found a really nice work-around: Scrivener on my MBA with Scapple on my iPad Pro via a Duet link.
Sadly my MBA is now dying, but it was fun while it lasted.

I love to work with scapple on my mac. but now often I travel only with my ipad pro. sadly I cannot even read my scapple files. it seems that there is now plan for an ios app. but at least, would it be possible to get a reader app - or some plugin for scrivener ios to read scapple files? would be great!