Scapple lost its Quickview capacity?

It’s up to you, whether QL is more or less important than the different border types available for use.

There should be an update for Scapple sooner than later, I wouldn’t want to make an assurances, but it would be unlikely that there isn’t one in the next couple of months. There are some necessary changes to the activation framework that need to be made.

QuickLook isn’t so important, but it also means that the mind maps aren’t visible in Scrivener.

I’m bummed that this wasn’t fixed in the latest Scapple release.

Quickview (and especially the view within Scrivener) is important.

Having fancy borders is important. Here’s why: Mindmaps work because they are fun. By making them colorful and having different border styles they are made more fun.

Please give the solution of this problem a higher priority.

I checked, and this one has turned out to be very difficult to figured out (and on top of that, very difficult to test, given how Quick Look plug-ins are cached), so it got moved to the list for a larger update, rather than the quick one we needed for the Paddle transition (which had the highest of all priorities).

Okay. Glad you’re on it.

Here are some images to emphasize how important this fix is. Scapple’s integration with Scrivener is a great feature, and this bug is the difference between this:

and this:

It unfortunately still appears to be a problem in the latest macOS 10.15 developer beta, too.

The problem is still there in version 1.3.4, unfortunately.

Indeed, it would show up in the release notes.

I’m looking forward to having it fixed. I’ve had to forego interesting note outlines because it’s useful to be able to preview the maps in the Finder:

Yay, all fixed. Thanks.

Whew! :smiley:

hey Community,

for me it seems the problem is still there / reappeared.
currently all other apps on macOS (latest Monterey) work fine w/ QuickLook. but Scrivener (also latest version) refuses to show up here. … already tried everything (restart, reinstall, flushing QL-cache etc.)

anyone with similar issues (on a M1 machine)?
any hints how to resolve / troubleshoot this?

would be much needed! so many thanks in advance!

Yes, there’s already been a thread on this.

thx @xiamenese,

I had seen the title of the thread, but didn´t automatically connect it up – as QuickLook (i.e. the problem of Scapple display in global contexts) didn´t figure there.
thx to your hint I saw @AmberV linked the issues by mentioning QuickLook.
so guess L&L is at it. fine, will await new updates then…


Thanks, I have edited that thread title to be clearer for those that know what technology they are looking for a report on.

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Dear Amber,

I know everyone is busy, more than ever. but I wonder, is there any time horizon for a new update in the third digit (in this case a 1.4.2 would suffice :slight_smile: )?
I can´t of course speak for others. but for me personally, as someone who has built Scapple into the heart of my knowledge workflow and system the lack of QuickView is quite dramatic. to the point that I have to stop using it.

I know timelines and promises to that effect are a delicate terrain. but I would appreciate any timehorizon in this case, which rather seems like a ‘technical bug’ issue, not anything on the line of feature development, roadmapping or such things.

thx already for any nod on this.
vb! oliver

Just adding a +1 to this. Not having a QuickLook preview is driving me nuts.

Just as a general note, this is in regards to an old bug from 2019 that has long been fixed. You are probably looking for this report instead.

And as noted there, the issue has been filed and fixed internally. We know what is wrong and require no further information.

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