Scapple on IOS

OK, so I love Scapple. I said it. It is flawless in it’s rudimentary basics. BUT, it is SO rudimentary that I really don’t understand how it cannot easily translate to Apple IOS. I get how Scrivener is hard to duplicate on IOS, but Scapple, really? I’m not a programmer, but the Scapple program is so basic I can’t see how it’s so difficult to translate. Come on guys, get with the program. We are all trying to move forward here. If not on iPhone, then on iPad. Please help, we’re dying here. I promise I will pay whatever you charge when it appears on the app store. Come on guys, can you hear us? Hello? Anyone?




No update on iOS version?

We released an update to the macOS version yesterday. A big part of that update is a rewrite of some of the core code that paves the way for iOS development - so that we can use the core code on both macOS and iOS. In other words, that macOS update is a step along the way to the iOS version - we are working on Scapple for iOS right now. It will be some time before we have anything to announce, however. Although it’s a simple app on the surface, you wouldn’t believe how complex some of the code is that deals with stacks, connections and “magnetic” groups! And we have learned from experience that it’s best not to give any estimates on time frames, as we are inevitably wrong and always underestimate how long things take.

All the best,


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Great news.

I am having difficulty opening old scapple files after the latest up date. Can you help?

Now that is good news. I spend most of my life in Scapple and Scrivener and have to output Scapple files as pdfs to see on iPad – an iOS version would be lovely. Can’t wait to give you my money :smile:


This is absolutely good news - I love Scapple and can’t wait to see it on IOS! I find that Scapple is one of my most used apps these days.

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