i have question about scenes since scrivener is open program is there way to put scenes together in one chapter in a continuos flow when you compile them. the end look i am looking is chapters looking they one piece and the scenes not separate pieces. the reason why i am asking this is to determine how i write in scrivener and organise my thoughts still trying to figure how i want to use this huge software
Yes. Scenes can be compiled into a single sinuous body of text.
Look at the “Separators” section of the Compile window. You can specify what separates adjacent text documents (as opposed to documents preceding folders), including nothing at all.
In fact, Scrivener does not know that they are scenes at all
The default behaviour encourages putting each scene into its own document, as the compiler will insert a blank line (or a “#” character in the submission style outputs) between them. So, if I understand you correctly, Scrivener’s basic project templates and provided compile defaults will largely work out of the box for you.
This is however just a default. As noted above, Scrivener doesn’t think of things in terms of real-world objects (this is why it can be used for so many different kinds of writing projects). It is a toolkit for defining real-world objects. There are settings that make it so that folders create a page break and print a numbered chapter title, just like there are settings to display a sequence of files using some form of visual breaks, like an empty line, between scenes. The compiler is working purely off of the structure that you work with. It’s how we use that structure and modify/amplify it during compile that causes things such as folders to act like “chapters” and files like “scenes”, or as something else entirely.
Again, that’s all more “advanced course” stuff—like I say, in its basic usage, especially if you start with a project template, the software already sounds like it works the way you want it to. One nice thing about Scrivener is that because of all this flexibility, it’s difficult to “go wrong” during the writing process. It’s likely a matter of personal preference, but ideally you shouldn’t have to worry about the compiler at all while you are writing. Use the software naturally, let it adapt to your way of thinking and writing, as your learning of it evolves.