Screenwriting Format Mac Os need help

I need to be able to enter the (MORE) and (CONT’D) elements into the bottom of my pages as I am entering action and dialogue in my screenplay. I have to export it as text and then paste it into Word. It’s a very time-consuming and annoying process. Because of this, when I compile I have to go back and add page breaks instead of inserting the (MORE) prompt which is standard.

I am looking for help on how to work my way through this with fewer steps, or the best way to do this feature. Any help is welcome.

Rather than doing this by hand I would suggest not worrying about it right now, during initial drafting. Later on you’ll be exporting the script (probably to FDX format) to some other program designed for this. That doesn’t have to be Final Draft, there are good alternatives these days (not Word!). A good dedicated script production tool will do this for you, and by that point you’ll be done with Scrivener, for this draft anyway!

I am in a Screenwriting Course and must show them my progress. The simplest way of doing it is by cutting & paste it into a Word doc. So everyone can read it. It’s a first draft so I’m not concerned with this presently. I need to get it on paper right now. Thanks for your advice.

Scrivener can already do this in PDF output. See Section 24.6.5 in the (Mac) manual.

Download WriterSolo - it’s 100% free and runs on PC and Mac.

In Scrivener, export your document from the Binder as a File, and choose FDX. (If you have several documents in Scrivener, put them in a folder in the Binder, duplicate the folder and Merge the documents in the dupe into a single doc and Export to FDX)

Open the FDX in WriterSolo, and it will add the MORES and CONTDs automagically. Then save out the PDF or FDX you need from WS.

P.S. – I’m not a big fan of Scrivener’s screenplay processing, so I recommend typing your pages in WS then copying them and using Paste Text As Screenplay in Scrivener to paste into a screenwriting document.

Good luck!