Scrivener 2.0 - Coming Soon (No, Really)

I was able to download and install the 2.0 version. However, one quirky thing already: When I click Help -> Scrivener Manual, I am prompted by a dialog box that says “Help isn’t available for Scrivener.” If this is not just me, I assume there will be some explanation for this forthcoming from Keith (the preview version had a manual which I have been happily looking through, but it was clearly a work-in-progress).

Also, I see that Scrivener is now “activation” based. Philosophical arguments aside (I’m not a big fan of this particular method of copy protection, but I understand that you gotta do what you gotta do) this opens up a gamut of questions. The first is, does the “generous household licence” still apply? Second, is there a recourse for me when my laptop is hit by a bus (it pushed me out of the way and saved my life, the selfless hero) and I must now re-activate the software on a replacement device? Based on my experience with L&L so far, I would tend to assume that I will be treated fairly by them in any case, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

I’m still getting the old 1.54… -.-’’

Can’t find what you mentioned. All I see is the “registration” thing.
Where have you seen it?

I have 2.0, too! Woohoo! But when I click on the link to buy, it takes me to the esellerate page, but I can’t go anywhere beyond selecting currency.

Ooh! Yeah, would love the answers to these two questions. Of course, Kevin, when you have time…

When you enter in your serial number into the registration dialog, you get a message that your machine needs to be activated. It’s a simple enough process. You just click OK, and it comes back and tells you that your machine is now activated.

The specifics of what goes on behind the scenes I imagine has been defined by Keith, and I understand if he wouldn’t want to give too much information about it. But in general, activation is used to tie a particular serial number to a particular physical machine (using a hardware key generated by combining the serial numbers and configurations of key pieces of hardware in said machine). Exact implementations vary.

What I’m asking about isn’t implementation details, but simply what we the purchasers are entitled to for our money, and what recourse we have if the system goes wonky (I am constantly fighting with Microsoft over my Windows licenses, because activation doesn’t play well with virtual machines).

And don’t mistake this for any kind of knock against Scrivener itself…believe me, I am an exceptionally happy customer right now.

Also, I (and others) may be jumping the gun a little bit right now. The website is down at the moment, presumably to roll the whole site with 2.0 content. It’s entirely possible that when it comes back up, the answers to these questions will already be answered there, rendering this discussion moot.

Just downloaded 2.0 and I can confirm that there is apparently no user’s manual.

I have another, more important, issue: Scrivener won’t quit through normal means (Cmd-Q, Scrivener/Quit, etc.). I have to force quit the app via the Activity Monitor every time.

Maybe what’s available for download right now isn’t the actual “official” version quite yet…

To Google Chrome users.
I couldn’t download the 2.0 setup although other users were writing on the forum that they had done it. I was still getting the old 1.54, which I downloaded this morning when I tried to see whether the new version had been released.

Google chrome saves in the cache the files you download. In this way, if you need to download them a second or third time (e.g. if you’ve deleted them), the new download is instantaneous.

The problem is when you try to download another file with the same name from the same url… like “Scrivener.dmg” from “”. Chrome will not download the new one, but will think that’s the same file and give you the saved old version.

That’w what happened to me: it kept downloading the old setup file, until a bell ringed in my head and I emptied the cache.
So… long story short: Chrome users, if you can’t get the new setup try to empty the cache.

Activation has been in Scrivener for ages now, you might just have forgotten that you did the same thing in 1.x as well. The procedure is extremely non-invasive on all angles. It’s mainly just a tool for us to see when a serial suddenly gets 5,000 activations in 48 hours, which is a touch over the average user’s household quantity of computers.

Activation has been in Scrivener for over a year now.

Regarding the manual - well, if you will insist on trying to download while we’re still sorting out the site. :slight_smile: Yet again, I would remind everyone that we have not officially announced the release yet. We’ve been testing downloads, updates and all sorts, and there was indeed a version of Scrivener 2.0 online earlier that had no manual in it, because it was there for testing while I awaited the final manual from Ioa.

Please bear with us until we announce everything is a go. There is a reason the site is down and asking you to wait. :slight_smile:

Thank you.

I am not sure where the link is for the new program. Is it the download link on the scrivener page? Thanks for getting this out so quickly, I am in the middle of a big project and appreciate the support that Scrivener provides.

Oops, a cross-posting. I will wait.

You’re right, I have absolutely no memory of activating Scrivener 1.x, but I suppose that is a testament to how non-invasive it actually is.

I’ve recently had to deal with “activation gone horribly wrong.” In addition to the aforementioned Windows incident (which is a recurring problem), last week I had to deal with an activation nightmare with a considerably smaller company (whose activation rules pretty much guarantee that something will go wrong, and it did). It’s possible I’m even more touchy about the issue than usual.

At any rate, if the implementation is the same as it was in 1.x, then my concerns are satisfied (my concerns weren’t that great to begin with, as I said L&L strikes me as a pretty fair and responsible bunch).

Alright, alright, we’ll bear with you.


I am so glad he didn’t say “bare with us.”

About the new website… why am I asked username and password to load ?

I’m pretty sure you can ignore that. I did–just click it closed.

[size=100]Because the site isn’t officially live yet.[/size]

[size=200]Please, please, for the love of all that is holy, wait![/size] :slight_smile:

Please, please, for the love of all that is holy, wait!

Apparently writers can’t read very well. Or they can, but choose to ignore.

I’m waiting patiently… can I have a discount? (JK)

My apologies, Keith. Walked like a duck, quacked like a duck…