Scrivener 2.0 - Coming Soon (No, Really)


It’s not daylight savings time, yet. It’s next week I believe. No?

Is this an English thing? Because I’ve noticed that the time is exactly one hour earlier than the real time here. In the States, daylight savings time doesn’t go into effect till next week.

Yeah, the UK changed early on Sunday. Up here in Scotland it is officially winter.

Yes, shrumpkin, this is an English thing - our clocks went back an hour on Sunday 31st October, therefore, we’ve had to wait an extra hour longer to get our hands on Scrivener 2! :slight_smile:

The “buy button” has now been updated, apparently. The buying options now read “Scrivener 2.0 for Mac OS X”, whereas they would read “1.5x” few hours ago. (right?)

The 2.0 dmg is still unavailable, though…

Please do not buy yet. We are in the process of updating and are being inundated with users who have bought 2.0 but cannot download yet. The links will be live later.

I’ve removed the store link from the main page but users are still coming to the store and buying, and we’re getting lots of angry e-mails.

Apologies. We are working hard to get everything ready, but I had to make the store live in order to test the update process.

We will let you know when it is ready. If you have already purchased, not a problem - you will be able to download Scrivener 2.0 and register it with the serial number you have bought in a few hours’ time.

If you have not bought yet, please wait until the official announcement!

Thank you!

So we should all go and send you an email about getting 2.0?

That was a joke.

Strange! I wonder why the word, ‘keelhauling’, springs to mind?

This is more exciting than waiting for Santa Claus. :slight_smile:

Santa? Who is Santa? You mean Keith Claus, aren’t you?

NO!! Its KEVIN Claus! tch! tch! wot y like?

Must NOT crash server. Must NOT crash server…

Kevin Kringle for you, idn’t it?

Woohoooo new version downloaded, installed and registered :slight_smile:

Maybe I’m running into the danger of “keelhauling”, but he explicit gives a hint in his profile of not beeing Kevin…

“wot y`like” → Hm, you mean what? “Wot” seems to be archaic or simply meaning “that, what”. Please help. Your language is not mine.

How did you manage that? The store is apparently still down and I can see no indication that v2 is available for download, other than the NaNoWriMo preview version.

Cool. But it’s not available in the store as yet…

ohh, my dear. the first of us has getting mad and is hallucinating. :slight_smile:

Update: Neels is right. I just downloaded the new version (click on the download-button on the Scrivener Page) und entered the serial I bought some hours ago.

Thanks, Keith. Writing is much more fun with Scrivener.

Series of mistakes LOL. Bought a new licence a day or two ago. Then earlier tonight the store was up and I managed to upgrade and got a V2 licence. And finaly a few minutes ago the download link was replaced with the V2 .dmg.

Sooo … lucky me :slight_smile:

You’re right.