Scrivener 2.0... It's here.

And, did I mention, I’m deeply honored to follow in the footsteps of a 16 year old. Brava to us! :wink:

PS, look closely at what you have been given. Words signifying…something??


I found the faceless pics a while ago, but now I hear there are faces in there somewhere I too am on the hunt :slight_smile:


Oh, yes, there are most definitely faces. And quite the faces they are. LOL! The Scrivener team members are tricky little fellows (and gal). Many layers of complexity in that group!

Haven’t you ever searched for little, painted up eggs for Easter? Well, they are something like those eggs, only you don’t get a chocolate bunny if you find one. Darn.

Why aren’t my quotes looking like quotes and you see the tags instead?

Well I found the faceless ones - ever onward. Faces too? Wow.

I have been so busy using the new Scrivener 2.0 that I haven’t had a chance to thank Keith, and the Literature and Latte team for making the best writing application for the Mac. It particularly pleases me that two of the features I felt missing from Scrivener 1.x are now part of Scrivener 2.0.

Quick Reference: Which allows me to work in full screen mode while having reference material readily available. Until Scrivener 2.0 I had all my reference material in DevonThink, and the setup worked, but now that I can have it in Scrivener 2.0 it feels completely integrated and seamless.

Collections: This will make it easy to see the progression of the events in a story that is told in a non linear fashion. Before, I was using OmniOutliner to keep the subplots straight.

Hey Keith. Forgive me for pestering, but any word on when 2.0.1 might be released? Hope all is well.

I think this is what’s called living dangerously!

Been using Scivener since March. I tried the getting 2.0 after firing up Scivener today: Install & Restart. Nada. Nuthin. I went to the Install at Site url, it dissed all (ALL) of my email addresses.

What now, fellas?

Yup, just did it again. It got to the Download & Install and Scrivener crashes.

2.0 is not a free update from 1.5, unless you purchased 1.5 after a certain date (can’t remember the cut-off date, but you should be able to find it easily enough on the site). Is that the problem? Also, you should probably try posting on the troubleshooting part of the forum (i.e. Technical Support), not here. There is a better chance of getting a solution to the problem.

Best wishes,

ESellerate is the place where you get a new license if necessary but you get program via the Scrivener site

under either Free Trial or Download for Mac. The link behind this menu item is

When you install this dmg you will have the latest 2.x version which will run for the trial period without limitations. If you want to purchase you can do it from within the program later.

When you install the downloaded new version make sure that Scrivener is not running and I recommend to close all projects before closing the 1.x version.

Your postings don’t say clearly if you just have troubles with getting the upgrade licence or with installing the app itself but I hope this—and what Martin wrote—helps.