Scrivener 3 for Windows but when?

Hi I see there is a book for Scrivener 3 Mac? Will there be a book also for Windows 3 Scrivener? It would be very helpful for us newbies.
Also need a template for non-fiction books?

I don’t think Lit & Latte put out books on their own, those are usually written and published by other folks, and those people tend to write one book and make note of where the Mac version differs from Windows. Those differences will be very slight in the future, once version 3 for Windows is out, though there will be slight differences due to what Macs provide to developers vs. what the Windows team has to license or re-invent from scratch, or just the differences between the two types of computers.

But you will always have a very detailed manual (upon release–the Betas have outdated manuals) accessible from the Help menu and from the templates chooser.

And speaking of Templates…

Hey, I hate to be that guy but I stupidly upgraded to scriv 3 on my macbook pro but I also have a Win 10 machine running scriv 1 and I really need file comparability. I’m in the middle of a big project and it would really help if I could move files back and forth. Is scriv 3 beta on win stable or am I screwed?

Scrivener 3 on Mac has the option to Export “As Scrivener 2”. This allows it to read and edited in the current Windows version (1). We do not suggest using the beta for anything that you wish to keep as it is still very much a beta.

Hope this helps you.

Any status updates?

None other than that the next beta version should be coming out by the end of September. But since the current version expires on the 30th, I guess that’s hardly news :wink:

OK. Well, I have a multi-folder document on Win w/ latest scriv1. Text defaults, which in this case is Cambria 12pt, standard styles and ruler. I exported this file as a backup. Copied it over to a Mac with Scriv 3. And on import the formatting was completely screwed up. Obviously, Cambria iisn’t on the mac or something. Tried changing default format for the document. Tried converting formats for the document. I got lost in the weeds having to deal with this chapter by chapter instead of document and notes wide. And now I’m frustrated.

I’d like to be able to move documents between platforms without hassle. And just get back to work.

Hi Maynard,

It seems like your problem is with the Mac v3, but you’ve posted it in the Win beta forum.

Unless this is a Win beta issue, you should post it in the Mac forum. That said, to convert your font project-wide, first change the default font for new documents, then select all of your documents in the outliner. In the menu there should be an option to “convert to default formatting” or something like that, maybe under Documents.
