Scrivener 3 for Windows Release Notification

I’ve been a Scrivener 1 user since 2018, patiently awaiting the day Scrivener 3 would finally be released. The day I bought Scrivener 1, I signed up for the email list so I’d get updates and, particularly, notice of Scrivener 3’s release. Checked the update link every time I opened a new or existing project.

Today I joined the forum to tell you that I’ve been fuming since April 22, the day I discovered (in an unrelated Google search) that Scrivener 3 had been released on March 20! I was overjoyed and unbelievably pissed at the same time. Thirty-three days after release, and this existing customer had to find out by accident? Why did I not get notice on March 20 (or even within a day or two) by email or when checking “update?!” Rather than waste my time complaining I downloaded it and have been learning while using it since April 22.

Today I received an email from you with your grand Scrivener 3 announcement SIX AND ONE-HALF WEEKS after release. Until I read that email, I didn’t realize how mad I still am. This is how you treat your existing customers? Apparently, you don’t care.

Snap. I got the email today too…about four weeks after purchasing version 3. I too only discovered by chance that it was finally out.

Actually we do care quite a bit. Enough to not formally announce the release until we’d had a chance to identify and fix any lingering showstopper bugs.
