Scrivener 3 (Windows) and ProWritingAid (Critique Reports)

I have purchased S3 and PWA and am happy currently with both. I am in the process of using PWA to clean up the third draft of my first novel in a series, and have the book split into chapters which in turn have the various scenes.

However, it seems I can only run a critique report on each scene, but I want to try and run the report on the whole book.

Has anyone found a way in which to do this? If so, how?

Thanks in advance.

It appears I may have jumped the gun abit too soon. Upon further investigation, it looks like there is a limitation in PWA to 4000 words, so it will not do an entire manuscript.

They are working on a whole book AI review and I was in the Beta program. It looks like it will be a fee for the AI review. Was done for 120000 word book in under 5 minutes. Was quite detailed, but missed some subtle points in the book.

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