Scrivener Affiliate Program

Thanks, David. Can you tell me when Scrivener will have the program available in a secure download for those of us who not own MAC’s? I know they have a version of it available, but I’m hesitant to download it to my computer, because of the possible virus’.

The Windows version has been secured; this was remedied some time ago. To be clear there was never a virus in it, but because it was brand new software that hadn’t yet been certified or used by many people, some virus scanners were producing warnings. You can download it from here. When the executable runs, make sure it is certified by Creative HQ in the screen that asks if you wish to allow it to run.

Hi David,

Regarding the W-8BEN form, do you know what the situation is with the ITIN and EIN numbers? Are these needed by esellerate? I was a little confused by the ‘if required’ in question 9b.

If you want to load a book to the Apple iBookstore from the UK you must have an EIN at least.



Hello Stephen,

To be entirely honest (and not too helpful) we never completed the whole sales affiliate paperwork process for eSellerate as there seemed to be little point becoming a sales affiliate for ourselves! I did have exactly the same confusion when recently completing the W-8BEN form for Amazon though. The “if required” got me too, so I left Part I question 6 blank. My tax withholding application got rejected by Amazon, so I then went through the process of obtaining an EIN (completing a SS-4 form), entering the number into the question 6 field and ticking Part II question 9b. The application then got accepted, so I would suggest jumping through the hoops to obtain an EIN. Good luck!

I hope the IRS representative you speak to (if necessary for you) is more cheerful than the one I got! :smiley:

All the best,

Perhaps Will Ferrell, if you’re lucky.

Thanks David,

I get the impression that the IRS are inundated with hopeful non-US self-pub authors ringing up for EINs. I’ve been told that some representatives will demand an INIT number before issuing an EIN, in which case you put down the phone and ring back in the hope of getting someone more amenable.

I’ve just seen the announcement that Scrivener is available on US Amazon, of which I’m already an affiliate, so I doubt I’ll go down the esellerate path now.




I tried to find where I can create affiliate links that go directly to this page Any help appreciated, SY

Bump I have the same question - I don’t want to send people direct the buy page but to the trial page

Hello Both,

Firstly, apologies for my delay in getting back to you.

Mmm… eSellerate have terminated my affiliate account! I was going to walk you through the process from the perspective of an affiliate, but it seems I can’t at the moment. What you’re looking for though are our offered landing pages. There are separate pages for both Mac and Windows, but they essentially take anyone clicking on your tempting affiliate links to representations of the following webpages … atform=win. They can then glean plenty of information about Scrivener and even click through to the free trial if they want to. The clever people at eSellerate somehow even tag users that trial for a month and then purchase, so you receive the associated commission for your introduction. I really can’t see how this could work if they downloaded the trial via your sales affiliate link, but bought the licence using an entirely different computer, but I’m probably only making unnecessary trouble with such thoughts. :slight_smile:

I hope that helps, but if you continue to struggle finding the landing pages let me know and I’ll establish our unused affiliate account again. Thank you for recommending Scrivener.

All the best,

The main problem, for me, is that I don’t know if the visitor who will click my “tempting affiliate link” is on a Mac or on Windows, a student or not ect. Have you ever looked into It is easy to use and you can set up links to where ever you want :wink: If you are interested I can send you my affiliate link for it :wink: SY

Any news on that? A better / more user friendly affi program I mean? SY

Hello SY,

I did take a look at iDevDirect when you originally posted, but we won’t be moving to this model. Our current affiliate program is supplied by the company that hosts our entire web-store and serial number generation system for Scrivener, so there isn’t a good rationale to offering our affiliate solution through another third-party.

All the best,

Sorry, me again ;-( I spend a considerable amount of time on the eseller page trying to find out how to make a link that goes to the trial pages for respectively the Windows and the Mac version with no joy. Experience shows that links that go directly to a free trial convert far better than links to a direct sales page. Any ideas / help on this? Thanks, SY

Any news on that? SY