Scrivener changes font of email address when viewed in Scrivenings

When I type an email address into a file it uses the same font and font color as my default text. But when I display that file as one of two or more in Scrivenings view it changes the email address color to black. If I deselect the other files in the Scrivenings view so I’m back to just viewing the one file, it changes the color back to the default color.

This may indeed be so.
If File > Options > Appearance > Textual Marks is ticked for links, you won’t see them in single document view but will in Scrivenings view. (It’s a limitation on Windows, which I quite like because when I pull a document of links to Bookmarks, the links have link type formatting that differentiates it from the accompanying text [like category labels, which I use].)

You’d also have set View > Text Editing > Hide Markup.

Effect in Bookmarks: The light brown colour is bookmarks. The rest of the text is black. Ignore the highlights, those are for underlying character sheets I’ve yet to develop.

@Kevitec57 thanks for your response, it’s helpful to understand those settings. I do think there’s still a bug here. Here’s how to reproduce it:

  1. Uncheck Underline Links in Appearance / Textual Marks
  2. Check Hide Markup in View / Text Editing
  3. Have your default font be something other than black
  4. Type an email address into a file; the font color will be the default font color
  5. Select a 2nd file in the binder while holding Control to show it in Scrivenings view with the first file; the font color of the email address will show in black but not be underlined
  6. Go to View / Text Editing and uncheck Hide Markup, then go back to View / Text Editing and check Hide Markup. The font color changes to default.
  7. Leave Scrivenings view and the font color of the email address remains the default color
  8. Return to Scrivenings view and the font color of the email address is once again black even though Hide Markup is checked in View / Text Editing

You can repeat steps 6 through 8 over and over; it keeps returning the font color of the address to black when you go back to Scrivenings view. So it seems like the “Hide Markup” setting doesn’t “stick” when moving into and out of Scrivenings view.

Yes. I agree. On Windows, Hide Markup (like an email hyperlink type display) doesn’t work in Scrivening mode.
Someone once pointed out other things that are affected by this as well, but I don’t recall which offhand. It’s all to do with the framework on which the Windows Scrivener app is developed, which not as versatile as its Mac cousin, acting more like a cousin twice removed.