Not ruffled at all, but ALWAYS skeptical of ‘all reports’ and when people talk of ‘many reviews’, etc as they always seem to come down to a very few and/or people who don’t follow simple rules of data safety.
I’ve helped quite a number of people who’ve had Scrivener ‘lose their work’, and have yet to find a case where Scrivener was at fault. I’m sure there must be the rare instance, and the L&L staff are likely the only ones who could comment authoritatively on that.
I might add I’ve helped an equal number of people with other apps with similar issues, and much the same applies.
There is one online writing app that has had quite the number of lost data complaints/locked out of files etc, and that one has pointed to the very real dangers of working entirely on line.
Judging by the number of members in their respective Subreddits (the only metric I have to compare), I wouldn’t be surprised to hear eleven times less often about users “losing data” in Ulysses. Or eleven times more people talking about Scrivener in general (even if they have no idea what they’re talking about).
I’m not sure what I’m trying to say, but nothing lifts the spirits as randomly throwing in some statistics. Try it at your next party.
I’m not going to say that Scrivener is “never” at fault – never is a long time – but synchronization issues are the most common problem we see by a very wide margin.
Be sure to consider selection bias. People who aren’t having issues don’t post.
Also, if software X has 100 users and software Y has 1000 users, one report for software X and 10 reports for software Y will indicate exactly the same failure rate for both.
“Lies, damned lies, and statistics” Where statistics can be very useful is the moment anyone starts sprouting ‘Lots, many’ etc when claiming support for their flat-earth conspiracy.