After spending hours using Scrivener to export my manuscripts and compiling into Epub to submissions to Google partner books and Amazon Kindel, these EPUBS are failing to get approved because of various errors detected by those sites. Contacting google, the reply was to use a EPUB checker that requires one to command line check—WTF…The point of using Scrivener was to produce a Epub that does not fail. Also, when converting the manuscript to Adobe PDF, the PDF has many page alterations that have blank pages ( see my other post on this site about blank pages) So I would have to have Adobe to edit these AGAIN! I cant see how these issues make it any easier for authors!!!
Most reasons for e-books validation errors are User errors.
Using capitals or lowercase letters in links to documents titles that don’t have the same letter casing, and leaving Space characters in filenames, links, and IDs are the most common.
There ia a bug in the Compiler affecting nested unnumbered bullet lists (ul),
To solve these, really install EPubCheck from Pagina Software, and the Java runtime. The tool will show errors with line numbers and character positions, so you can find the error.
Use Sigil ebook editor to repair your e-book until it Validates.
This is the only way. Scrivener is a writing program first.
PS. The Page View is a “View Mode” in Scrivener, so to place it on the View menu is a good way for Users to find it. Pages don’t exist in Scrivener until Compile time.
Right I get that tool. However, its been a bug for how long? Why should a person who pays $$ for a pecie of software, then have to take the time to run a third party to check?
If one is spending $$ their cash, is it not expected to have a epub exporter work! If I use Google doc for all my manuscripts and epub it out to Goole books and Amazon it works, and it free.
Scrivener needs to see the light here in that FREE VS Scrivener, hmm… which one will I use that does not cause me to putts around with third party tools AND it adding in blank pages or extra pages in conversion!
L&L might refund you your purchase for Scrivener if asked nicely?
I doubt it. Miles will have to blow his trumpet somewhere else.