Scrivener for Apple Watch

I believe the word on this is that Scriv does not currently support a URL scheme.

How many more years will I have to wait for the Scrivener watch app? :wink:

There would surely be an Apple Newton port before that.

apple watch.jpg

Fantastic, I can’t wait…

Scriv Watch.jpg

… but I think it will require new glasses, and much more pointed fingers. :smiley:

lunk-- We good? I know our last correspondence didn’t end too well. I just wanted to apologize on my part; that day I began a new medication regime, and some of the side effects affect my emotionality. Essentially, I was on a high, and wasn’t really thinking clearly and taking things way too personally. So I’m very sorry about what happened.

As for your picture, I know you’re joking but it got me thinking… Ultimately using Scrivener in the conventional sense wouldn’t work on that apple watch; your picture proves that. But in the same way you search for apps on the apple watch – that is you move the bubbles until the biggest one becomes the one you select, maybe that could be a way to search for scrivinings, which each scrivining being a bubble that you can open, and when you do open a scrivening, it immediately opens to some sort of dictation panel.

Just a thought. I know most people chuckle at this thread (as do I) and don’t take it seriously but there’s a part of me wondering, maybe there’s some merit to something I originally thought of as a joke.

We’re good.

As for the Apple Watch - I can see the merit in getting reminded by a calender app, quickly see who sent a message, and so on, and maybe also to save a sudden idea by telling Siri to save it, e.g. by using Drafts or some other simple notes app. But I don’t see the point of having really complex software, like Excel, Word or Scrivener on the Watch.

Personally I prefer to have dedicated, specialized apps, designed for specific tasks, which can communicate with each other. rather than one single giant multi-task app aiming at being able to handle everything.

I agree. Scriv for Apple Watch should it ever be created by the great hands of Keith should be extremely skimpy in features and should be bareboned just enough that you can dictate an idea or two when you’re in the moment, have it sent somewhere in scrivener for safekeeping, and that should be the end of it.

I was thinking about this while stuck in traffic.

If you wore two Apple Watches side-by-side and enabled screen sharing, one watch could display the Binder and the other watch the Writing area.

Thoughts on this? Does Scrivener support screen sharing?

If you are being serious:

I think having two watches side by side would be difficult to wear. You might as well strap your iPhone to your wrist and use that.

if you are joking:

I think this is a pretty good idea. If you had a third Apple watch, you strap it to your forehead, directly in front of your eyes to enable full-screen mode!

I’d be endlessly amused by Scriv for Watch, even though, as people have already said here, we already have it with Drafts and the Scratchpad. BTW, having a Watch I can tell you one thing: it ain’t a productivity tool. At best, it’s a fitness toy. Or just a toy :smiley:

Yeah, it’s what is preventing me from buying it ultimately. Just can’t seem to not think of it as a fancy toy for those who can afford it. Perhaps one thought (for Apple and not L&L), is to have an Apple watch that doubles as a projector. Imagine: you take off your watch, lay it supine on a table, and out shoots a projected image on a wall from some hole on the watch. If you can connect a bluetooth mouse, and keyboard, essentially you have a working computer, the likes of which can certainly include Scrivener as part of your workflow!

Alas, the world isn’t fast enough for my thoughts…

So I’ll have to settle for Scriv on my little iPod.

Forget the Watch. What we really want is a full-immersive Scrivener. Strap on the goggles. I want to walk through my Binder, explore its by-ways. I want to get in there and do battle with my adverbs and have to pray to the meta-data that I am the victor. Distraction-free writing? Hit full-screen and – boom – your text is the universe and you are the cursor.


Sounds like the makings of a fine sci fi story!

This ^. This! ^. Is. Poetry. And should be on the back of a t-shirt: “Your text is the universe, and you are the cursor”.

[Applauds, tips hat.]

If L&L made and sold T-shirts through their website, I’d be first in line. Just a thought, Keith.

I’m thinking blockbuster sci-fi mini-series. We can call it “Scrivworld”. We just need to find out if Anthony Hopkins is available.

“Scrivassic Park”? :slight_smile:


(You really should not encourage him.)

I’d soooooooo wear that yo!