Scrivener for Windows - Update exits before it starts

Scrivener for Windows ( on Windows 10 Pro 21H2) prompts on startup to update to

Once the download completes, the ‘install now’ button activates. If I click it, the Update dialog exits, Scrivener closes, & nothing happens.

This is robustly repeatable on one system (HP EliteDesk, Windows 10 Pro, across 2 minor versions), but does not happen on the other (LG Gram notebook, Windows 10 Pro).

Presumably I can upgrade by just running the current installer (IIRC that’s been true in the past), so this isn’t really a stopper for me – point of this is to bring it to awareness & see if anyone else is experiencing it.

Yes, there have been a few posts that this has happened to folks. Workaround, as you mention, is to download the update from L&L’s download page.


yeah, i’m not experiencing any issues that lead me to believe I need the update, so I’m going to wait for the next minor version & see if the behavior persists. If it does, I’ll do the offline update. (I try to be strategically lazy about things like that…yet here I am answering this. What, you want logic?!)

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