There have been a lot of posts in these forums and on Reddit about Scrivner freezing/not responding. Has anyone yet found a definitive solution to make this stop?
I have:
Whitelisted Scrivner/Literature & Latte
Changed the Auto-Save to 1 minute
Updated computer
Updated Scrivner
Closed any other program running
Absolutely nothing seems to help. When I try to highlight sections, it freezes. When I type, it lags by a distressing amount. The longer my project, the more unusable it becomes. I realized that once I hit about 25k words, the issues really start. The issue arises sooner if I have any supporting material besides the manuscript in the project.
Everywhere I look Literature & Latte doesn’t have an answer, or gives the same answer with folks reporting that those answers did not work for them - or have found no solutions years later. I am about at the end of my rope. Scrivner has the perfect layout for me and I will hate to have to leave it.
I have a 300k words project and don’t experience freezing.
What’s the average word count of your documents?
The lagging issues have been confined to a handful of Mac users according to what I’ve read.
My biggest project is a learning project with 475000 words and graphics. This usually happens with several projects open and I grab something with the mouse to move or open. I have Windows 11 with 64 gigs of ram on a SSD. Shouldn’t be a computer issue.
I am not sure what Scrivening is. The words are always in one “manuscript,” so yes a single binder. Closing Scrivner helps for a while, but after I’ve been writing for a time it starts to lag again and Not Respond.
I’ve reinstalled. I restarted my computer. Nothing seems to help for long. After a few hours, no matter the word count, it starts to lah and freeze. I’m done. I can’t keep tryinf to make this work.
It’s bot even on a cloud drive. Just my C: drive.
No one’s helped. Nothing has helped. I even bought a new computer with Windows 11 thinking maybe that was the issue.
I spent $1500 on a new laptop trying to fix a software. This is ridiculous.
My projects vary greatly. Upwards of over 200k total, in manuscript, notes, respurces saved… etc. I’ve had to set that project wholly aside as it barely functions anymore.
I’m extremely jealsous of everyone’s who is still working.
Is my dark mode?
Is everybody else using it on the oringal blinding settings?
I have no idea. But I am exhausted. This is my last chance at trying to salvage this software before I call it quits.
But, how large are the individual documents inside the project in the Draft Manuscript? Are there documents that approach the 25k words you mention? Are you embedding any graphic images into the documents, or links?
Gosh. That probably is a bit much at this stage. Hope you like the new computer.
Think, when the Manuscript gets to 25k words TOTAL, I started having issues. Multiple chapters, chapters raning from 1-5k.
Doesn’t matter.
I’ve been having this issue for over a year. I kept coming back to the forums here and on Reddit hoping for news but suffering through the slog that is Scrivner now.
I bought a new computer thinking it was a RAM issue, but it isn’t.
I do like the new computer. It is lovely. And I am sure it will run whatever software I am forced to switch to just fine.
I am extremely disappointed in Scrivner and their support. I really liked writing in Scrivner. It just isn’t viable any more. And if no one has answers, I guess I’m going to have to move my projects elsewhere.
Excuse my ignorance or any misunderstanding of what you have done-it must be quite frustrating.
If you have a new computer (likely using Windows 11) then I imagine that Onedrive is quite integrated-meaning that normal folders/directories may appear to be on the C: drive (given their name similarities from earlier days) but are mapped to Onedrive in many cases. This means unless you actively make those folders (and subfolders) available offline they are, in fact, in the cloud as often as not.
Also, if you have this box highlighted:
you are in Scrivenings mode. Click to turn it off.
Again, sorry if this is all stuff you have covered.
My old computer was Windows 10… I figured it wasn’t running well on it because everything was updating to 11, so I made the switch. I had these issue on my other computer as well.
I did make sure to not save on the One-Drive when I set Scrivner up as I was convinced that was my problem the first time.
I’ll check for the Scrivning in the morning. I don’t recognize it.
This tells me you’ve never reached out to Literature and Latte for support with your project. Find their support page and connect with them—but do it after 6 January, as they’re on leave right now. They will offer to look at your project and no doubt offer avenues of advice. Try getting support from a Microsoft developer. You’ll get a smily and a thank you response and your query will be relegated to File-13 (the dustbin). Oh, a MVP (some form of certified expert with off-topic stock answers) might respond, usually with a one in ninety-nine chance of resolving anything.
Don’t become emotionally attached to other peoples challenges, look to resolving your own. The internet is littered with complainers.
Work through the Interactive Tutorial, available from the Scrivener Help menu. It’s a project walkthrough that will familiarise you with Scrivener terminology, do’s and don’t and why certain things are as they are.
As far as using Light mode goes my laptop is (like most) automatically set to switch to a less bright hue after sunset. My reading glasses also have a blue light filter. I have no solution to eyesight degradation because of age, or old age for that matter.
You are welcome to read into that statement however you like. However, when i reached out for help over a year ago i was first given the forum’s answers, which I had told didn’t help, then it was insinuated that it must be something on my end.
Which I understood to be the computer or something conflicting.
I fully understand it is a small team. But as I am not the only one who has presented with this issue on a Windows computer, I would have hoped more QA/stress testing had been done.
I came to this forum as a last gasp to try to remedy my situation. I love Scrivner. I prefer it to any other program I have used thus far, and I will be heartbroken to leave it behind.
Your comment was nothing short of accusatory, and unhelpful.
If you’re not specific about what you’ve tried no one will be able to assist you.
I’ve yet to see a report of the Windows version lagging on this forum.
I don’t hang out on Reddit for my own sanity.
I 'm suspicious of other applications using the same (QT5 or 6) platform as Scrivener does, like Sigil, Kindle Previewer 3. Maybe they clash over resources or version differences in the platform.
I don’t know how to determine if there’s an issue there. And I’ve customized my version of Scrivener so much, that I can’t complain if it stops working now and then. Never had data loss or lagging issues though.