Scrivener iOS syncing via Dropbox continues to crash the app

Are you sure the issue is RAM? I’ve been having this issue on my iPhone 11 Pro, but not on my two-year-old iPad Pro. I’ve tried a series of troubleshooting steps, but nothing has yielded any promising leads. I tried the create-a-new-Dropbox-folder-and-slowly-add-back-the-projects-like-a-Scrivener-soulfé method. But it has not worked for me–it has worked in part, but eventually I add in a project that causes the sync to crash the app again (seemingly no rhyme or reason as to which project). At first I thought the problem was because, in my Scrivener sync folder, I have some legacy non-scrivener files. But removing them did not ultimately eliminate the sync error.

The only thing that I have observed consistently–and this may be something you are already aware of–is that the actual syncing does not seem to be the problem. The app hangs during the sync phase where it is “downloading file list” from Dropbox. If it gets past that phase, I’ve never experienced a crash. That made me think it’s something other than a RAM issue (how much RAM can a file list take?), but I’m no developer so take this diagnosis with a grain or so of salt.

The other thing I’ve observed that may be related has to do with Scrivener’s settings from the iOS settings app. If I go into those settings and try to toggle a setting, it crashes the settings app. If I re-open settings and go back to the Scrivener settings, it does appear that the toggle I adjusted was correctly set despite the settings app-crash. Maybe that means something to you?

Hope this is of some help in diagnosing the problem. I’m happy to try other troubleshooting methods. I would offer to do the settings reset, but I had to do that recently for another problem.

I know this must be frustrating for you – a problem you haven’t experienced and cannot effectively recreate and test coupled with very vocal and upset users. Scrivener is an exceedingly well-engineered app because its development team is diligent, disciplined, and very attentive to detail. I have no doubt you want this problem fixed as badly as we users do. I am grateful for your efforts and look forward to having sync working reliably again.