Scrivener projects.scrivx could not be opened

Hi all,
So I was able to find the files, and after I got the upgraded scrivener, I copied the files with my projects over, and when I attempted to open a project I recieved the following message.

“Scrivener projects.scrivx” could not be opened “Scrivener projects.scivx” is the main structure file for a project, but other required files for this project could not be found: the\Files\Data folder is missing,
Any idea how I fix this?

Copied the projects from where to where? Using what mechanism? On what platform?

The message means exactly what it says: the thing you’re trying to open is not a complete project. But we’ll need more information to figure out why not.

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Apologies. I was transferring the files from my old laptops’ hard drive. The files were from my scrivener 1 app.

Do you still have access to the laptop?

Was this Scrivener 1 for Mac, or Windows?

It doesn’t switch on anymore. Issue with the motherboard I think.

andI was using the windows version of the program

If you use Windows Explorer to look at the project, you should see a .scriv folder with several subfolders. Is that what you have, or something else?

(Thread moved to Windows support forum.)