Scrivener publishing book?

The staff here are so nice and helpful - and so knowledgable about everything you need to do in Scrivener. Wouldn’t it be nice if all this information they give so generously for free could make them a bit of money - if they got together to write a book, Publish Your Novel in Scrivener laying out how to make an ebook of your novel - very simple and quite specific, showing how to lay out and title the chapters, how to set the typeface, add a front and back cover and contents, etc - and how to set the compile settings first for an ebook, then for a printed book? It would become an instant classic.
And it could be followed by Publish Your Poems in Scrivener, Prepare Your Thesis in Scrivener, etc.

There are already a number of books published on Scrivener. Some better than others. Some written by authors who post here. Perhaps take a look at

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Mm. I meant, really, a simpler and more specific book. (I tried Amazon without success - the only book that came up was Scrivener for Dummies.)

See my link above. And Amazon has a lot more than just that one. Perhaps change search criterion.

My search criterion was

But, with due respect, see the link i provided.

I did that, yes. Didn’t see anything as I described. Writing a Novel with Scrivener eBook : Hewson, David: Kindle Store ?

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The user manual is a distillation of what the support team post on here. It is narrative in structure (not so much a reference manual). That in combination with the video tutorials should get you close to the desired “How to output a … in Scrivener.”

However, while Scrivener can create ebooks they won’t approach the quality of typographically designed versions. Others will suggest Vellum as a program that does that — but it’s around 10 times the cost of Scrivner and only does formatting. Personally I use Sigil for tarting up ebook output.

For other forms (PDF for example) I would likely revert to what I used to use pre-Scrivener of a workflow that produced DOC, PDF, EPUB, and other files from a single SGML master file marked with DocBook — created in emacs — and then run through DSSSL and friends; I used to be a member of WG8 that came up with that lot. Or I would use Scrivener to create LaTeX files and process that for camera-ready copy.


Ah, this looks perfect. I’ll buy this! Thank you.

Hm, I’d love to read Writing a Novel with Scrivener - but while another writing-a-novel book by David Hewson is on Apple Books (€20, though!) this one is only on Kindle.