I’d like the ability to color the background of text files within a Draft Folder different from the text files showing in a Research Folder when in a split screen mode. One can change the background color in the Main Editor via File>Options>Appearance>Main Editor>Colors>Editor but that applies to all windows in the Editor.
As my eyesight isn’t what it used to be, keeping track of the light blue color on the document title bar isn’t ideal for me. It would be much easier for me to differentiate between when I’m working in the Draft Folder or the Research Folder if the backgrounds were of a different color.
I love the idea, but you could use separate unique icons for any research files which would show in the header and at glance tell you which is research.
(an example)
How about doing it the other way around? Instead of the background, choose a color you like for the font. That way you should be able to immediately recognize what document it is.
Thank you for your comments. They have encouraged me to revisit the issue I’m having. The issue is that I lose focus on the file I’m working on in the Editor with a split window when I search for text. Typically, I like to keep the file I’m working on from the Draft Folder on the Left side and my Research files on the Right side. When I copy-paste from the Research file to the Draft file my Draft file window takes focus. Then when I search and insert the searched file it overrides the file I’m working on in the Left window. This could be either a Research File or a Draft file. Obviously I have to use the back button to go back to my original file in the Left window and re-open the searched file in the Right window.
That said my new suggestion is:
What I’d really like to see is the ability to pin one of the split windows in the Editor. That would mean, for example, that any file selected in a Draft folder of the Binder would show up in the pinned window ( in a location of your choice) … say a “left” window. Any file selected in any other folder say the Research folder or Front Folder or another Draft file from the Binder would show up in the non-pinned window … say the “right” window. That way I’d simply be able to focus on my writing and avoid mistaking where things were showing up when searching for text.
The other feature I’d like is to be able to override the existing Draft file on the left side by dragging and dropping a different Draft file on top of the current Draft file on the Left side that is pinned.
The pinning of a window could be done with a simple pin icon.
If you always want to see certain documents on the left or right in an “editor”, this works to a certain extent with a “second binder” (Research Folder) and a copyholder.
Another option if to take the document you are writing in and make it a QRP. This works well especially if you have a multimonitor setting. Now if you add the bookmark view, then you drag research files into the bookmarks section to create document bookmarks from research related to what you are writing and if you come back later the key research is right at your fingertips. I do like the idea of different text color for research, but that issues as well.