Scrivener USB Pill now available

We now have Scrivener available as a physical product!

Rather than providing Scrivener on a CD (we may do that as well in the future :slight_smile: ) we opted for creating something marginally different: The black and white USB pill will ship adhered to a printed Scrivener card and will contain the latest version Scrivener.dmg, brief installation guide, and 203 page Reference Guide. I hope that this additional option when purchasing Scrivener is well received.

All the best,

Cool! But what if
 I already have a license and I just want to carry around a really cool looking Scrivener USB drive? You know

“Oh you poor, poor dear
 You only have Gucci
 I have Scrivener

Have you thought about selling just the USB? (I don’t drink coffee so the Scrivener mug on cafe express doesn’t float my boat.)


Will education discounts apply (student)? Where will the USB Pill ship from? Ready to purchase, but I like the cool USB Pill. A conversation starter - “What’s that?” "Oh, just a cool tool I use to write my dissertation, articles, and books. I call it my ‘Writing Vitamin’ ".

Great! Next up: The USB Suppository. :smiley:

Hello all,

We have no plans at the moment to sell the Scrivener USB Pill separately, but we will naturally bow to consensus demand! We will monitor this, then maybe look at methods of providing the pill without Scrivener loaded.

Unfortunately, the education discount route for the USB pill is not viable at the moment. The additional costs associated with producing and packaging made this difficult to offer. If we can improve our economies of scale, then we will naturally introduce this discounted purchase method.

The product will ship from sunny Truro in the UK. I will gently package and prepare each parcel as if it were my own. We have chosen trackable shipment methods for all countries.

I did mention to Keith that we should call it the Scrivener USB Suppository, but he wouldn’t go for it! :slight_smile:

All the best,

The shadowy DMJ pontificated

Hello all,

We have no plans at the moment to sell the Scrivener USB Pill separately, but we will naturally bow to consensus demand! We will monitor this, then maybe look at methods of providing the pill without Scrivener loaded.

I did mention to Keith that we should call it the Scrivener USB Suppository, but he wouldn’t go for it! :slight_smile:

All the best,

I know I am just talking to myself when I post to DMJ

I think there was quite a bit of demand for a generic USB when the idea was first floated. I would look to a couple of 1+GB to supplement my rapidly depleting stock.

The suppository tag line would be (if vic-k were here to type it)

Providing assistance for the regular movement of writing.

Hello Jaysen,

The current Scrivener USB Pill only has a 30MB capacity - enough to hold the application and sundries - but I will look at sourcing larger suppositories for those of you that require the extra “girth”. :open_mouth: We purposely chose a small capacity drive because we prefer users to work locally. I will contact our suppliers and see how much or little we could get some 1GB capacity drives manufactured for. I will then look into a cost-effective route of supplying just the Scrivener emblazoned USB drive.


Suggested solution:

  1. let users buy their own large, cheap flash drives.
  2. send them a Scrivener sticker to apply to same.
  3. if you detect a long-time grizzled patron who scoffs at trendiness
  4. you’re right

Druid, while being surly and crotchety, is actually making an excellent point. Offer some silly branded sticker in the cafépress site and tell us all to buzz off. Now we can scrivenerize anything. Maybe even druid.

BTW how many “Intimates” have matt and vic-k bought? Actually, on second thought, I don’t want to know.

Make that two LTGPs.


Well, we’re pretty happy with the USB drives, “trendy” or not - we put a lot of time and effort into creating something we thought was vaguely “cool” seeing as a full CD-packaging option wasn’t really viable and we get frequent requests for a physical shipment. So, whilst those who are grizzled may not appreciate it, hopefully some will. :slight_smile:

My immediate reaction when Keith first raised the notion of the Scrivener pill was, “Yes, I’d love a cool USB drive like that”, but now on maturer thought — I am only partially grizzled 
 at 64 my beard is white, but the white is only just beginning to spread up above the temples 
 and I’m very definitely not even really a part-time grumpy, a casual grumpy perhaps — I’m not sure about wanting one for the sake of flashing it around 
 I’m more a hiding-in-the-woodwork type, when people let me. But when 2 comes out, I’ll definitely think about ordering my upgrade on one. Are they permanently locked as read-only so as to minimise the risk of erasure?


That’s an interesting question. Locking the USB device would be great so you never have to worry about losing your investment. However, if you did somehow erase it, remember that you could d/l the original install file from the web site.

Locking it up leaves the problem of not being able to actually store anything on the USB device, so using one that is just large enough to hold the necessary files makes sense. If it’s doing double-duty, then a larger, unlocked USB device is ideal-use at your own risk

Had a nutty idea just now. Why not, in honor of past scriveners, have a ‘USB Quill’? Maybe a giant Ostrich feather or something? It could double as an old-fashioned writing instrument by removing the USB part and replacing it with a stylus
just a thought

I’m going to take a wild guess and say that there are no bulk USB branding companies jamming flash circuits onto feathers. You truly never do know, though!

micro SD to an adapter and you may not need much customization

Let me think about that.

So this is an opportunity to capture a new niche market!

Scrivener USB Pill? I want one.

I want one so I can throw my keys down, and all my writing mates will say, “Oooh, what’s that?”
I’ll remind them of all the times they’ve passed over my scriv-related blog posts because they’re still clinging to that mass-produced-like-locusts operating system, and finally they’ll convert to Mac, of course

(Or just be really jealous. Ha!)

I so want that. I would have ordered a boxed version of Scrivener in the first place, but there wasn’t one yet (I just like a hard copy of anything, make me feel like I really have something). More than the pill itself, I would love to have the reference book. Or some sort of Owner’s Manual.

Hello Broken Thought,

It has taken us a while to offer Scrivener as a physical product. Apologies about that.

You can download the Scrivener ‘Reference Guide’ directly from here:

All the best,