Searching for Keywords

Hi. Are there any ways to search for keywords themselves, instead of the documents to which the keywords are applied? I am using a lot of keywords, and it would be greatly helpful if I could search for the specific keywords I want to find.

That’s a good question, there isn’t a direct way of filtering the keyword list in the floating panel, but here is a tip that can help.

As with most list type views such as in the floating keywords panel, you can start typing in the first letters of the thing you are looking for, to jump the selection to it. The more you type, the more specific it will be. You do want to type at a quick pace though, as pausing will reset. This is handy trick worth trying in a number of contexts (it even works in places like the binder, outliner and corkboard).


another indirect way is to open the keyword panel and expand all the folders then select all or what you want and drag into a blank document and will have a searchable list of all the keywords. Use project search on selected binder document, then can take time while type search criteria. I use this trick to create a list of all my story characters.


Thank you for your reply!

To link appropriate keywords from among many to a document, I am looking to find all related keywords as follows when I type, for instance, “virtue”:

  • “Shame and Virtue”
  • “Objection to Shame as a Virtue”
  • “Acquiring Virtue: Practice, Knowledge, and Virtue”

Alternatively, if I could search for keywords in the keywords panel, I could manually find related keywords and avoid duplication.

(I know that my list of keywords doesn’t seem like literal “keywords” — instead, they look more like topics or tags. I just want to sort documents according to these categories to see only related documents for specific topics/tags/keywords.)

Thank you for your suggestions! It seems like an alternative solution that I can try for now, although it’s not perfect. :slight_smile: