Hi. I searched this forum but didn’t find a matching issue. When I compile to DOCX, Each chapter is separated by a next page section break. I would prefer just a normal page break. I looked at the Separators section in Compile --> Edit Formats, but that didn’t show anything other than page breaks.
I am having the same issue! I’m using Scrivener 3.1.5. EVERY TIME I compile to Word, it puts Section Breaks in between my chapters (Scrivenings). This is incredibly frustrating, because when I try to put a header in for the whole document, the header only works for the section I put it in! So I have to MANUALLY GO IN and delete out the Section Breaks between chapters and replace them with Page Breaks.
I cannot for the life of me figure out where I go in Scrivener to change/fix this. I have been through the forums. I have Googled this elsewhere. I have asked writer friends on Twitter and Facebook. I have clicked every menu I can think of. And still, I cannot undo this in the compile stage.
PLEASE, can someone help? I love this app for writing, but the compile feature makes me want to bang my head against the keyboard.
Most (if not all I think) of the features that would require section breaks are found in the Page Settings compile format pane. You’ll want to switch off anything that toggles between different header/footers. Secondly, make sure you are not using the <$sectiontitle>, <$pageGroupTitle> or <$pageGroupParentTitle> placeholders, in any of the header/footer fields. Section breaks are necessary to change the flow or content of these fields.
In case anyone finds this now, you can make all the headers be the same without deleting section breaks in Word by going to Header & Footer Tools > Design tab > select “Link to previous.”
Alternatively if you don’t want the same header across sections, you can deselect that option.