'm working on a book series, and I’ve set up the Draft folder as the container for the entire series. Before trying the series structure, I had organised each book with Level 1 folders representing chapters, which appeared with headings starting on new pages, and Level 2 folders as sub-sections (nested folders) set to appear on the same page.
Now, I’ve nested the books further under a series folder, which has shifted all the Level 1 folders down to Level 2, and so on.
My question is: is there a way to “shift” the section types automatically to reflect the new structure, or do I need to manually redefine the section types for each level? Before doing it manually, I wanted to check if there is some magic box to tick to make the adjustment.
Thank you for the information. I have one more question:
Regarding the organization of Front and Back Matter in Scrivener, what are the best practices? Is it better to use separate “Front Matter” and “Back Matter” folders, or is it more effective to have one “Front Matter” folder and one “Back Matter” folder with subfolders for each book in the series?
Currently, the folders inside the Front and Back Matter (for example, the PDF in the template) are labeled as “Level 1 Section type N/A,” if I understood you correctly, since Chapters are now Level 2 folders.
My suggestion is a master front matter chapter and inside front matter book 1 folder, 2, etc. then when compile go to front matter master folder and drill down to series front matter you want.
I’d say it really depends on the nature of your Front/Back Matter. Scrivener doesn’t care, just choose the folder you want in the Compile Settings.
Since Front Matter often includes title pages, copyright notices, and other material that isn’t really “normal text,” it’s quite common for it to need its own Section Type and Layout rather than the structure-based defaults.