Section Types versus Binder items

I’ve created a few extra Section Types that I’ve applied to a few of the 200+ items that exist in my Binder.

I need to review how I applied those Section Types across the 200+ items.

I haven’t found a way to list the Section Types for each of the 200+ Binder items that I have.

Any thoughts or suggestions on what I might be missing would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading,


Suggestion about how many section types you create. Be careful. Each one you create and USE in compile will need to be evaluated/adjusted to make sure you are getting your desired look. More variables, more potential for conflicts or issues.


There are two tools that can be of help here:

  1. Project Search: when clicking the magnifying glass you will find that “Section Type” is one of the search scopes you can use. In this way you can fetch a list of all Table items, for example. As always, you can use * as your search term, which will return a list of all items that have a manually set Type, as opposed to those that have been automatically assigned one by the rules in the “Default Types by Structure” tab. To me it sounds like that is the main thing you are looking to do here: find those few items out of the hundreds that have been specially set.
  2. In the main editor, switch to the View ▸ Outline group view mode. By default the Section Type column is present, but if you’ve modified your outliner columns and no longer have it, you can add it back (as noted above in another post). This column can be sorted, to help you group items up of a similar type.

I would agree with this to an extent, but my approach to using Types has sometimes less to do with the compiler and more to do with how I want to work with the outline. Bear in mind this isn’t purely a compile tool. It is used by the compiler, and is integral to how it works, yes, but it has a lot of power outside of that. If it was merely a compile tool we wouldn’t have designed things the way we did, where one has a bounty of tools for working with a typed, or styled if you will, outline.

I.e. being able to say: this is a figure and this is a table is incredibly useful when you consider the searching and sorting tools described above. Sometimes my types have no distinct usage in the compiler in fact—a lot of them just get wired to “as-is” because they aren’t meant to do anything special except be a tool at the project organisation level. Some of them aren’t even meant for items that go into the Draft, but rather to classify types of supporting material.


So true !

The need for Section Types is driven mainly by my wanderings into the LaTeX eTOC package, where I am at a deep disadvantage with my limited skill set. My wanderings have already resulted in the need to review where I have already wandered, hence the odd requirement to search back at what I may have already done !

The incredible flexibility that Scrivener provides also provides for such wanderings … possibly at my own peril.

Thank you all for your suggestions and advice!!


Best of luck, the other thing I find helpful is keywords, you can use as many as want on a single file scene and can have endless subcategories. You can also search for the intersection of keywords, like all the files with a location in your story like Dublin and all with a character Ian. so can search both at once.
Label colors also provide a way to highlight binder items and give a lot of variety, with all of these it becomes much easier to tag info to find it again in your project.
Also look at bookmarks, I add a file to bookmarks when working on a section and slide to top of the bookmark panel so can easily click on it and be taken to that file.
so how you organize only limited by imagination. None of the above effect compiling.

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Thanks for pointing this out. I’ve been creating my own custom metadata field “Type” (Question, Scene Notes, Character Sketch, etc.) for my reference material, never having considered that Section Type could be used for this purpose. I’d always viewed it as something useful only for compiling, and I never compile my reference material. :person_shrugging:
