Seqoe UI is causing all the problems with the Courier new printing by default

How do you change the default for a new document, scene, etc to the font you want? The Seqoe UI is what is causing the wrong font to print on comple. I does not show up every time, but it does show up ofen after creating a new document and then compiling. You have to select the entire docuemnt and choose a font to over ride Seqoe. Why?
If you have multiple formats on the page you now have to go back and reformat everything. The setting to use the formatting in the editor does not work. Sometimes it takes the font you use but eventually it returns to Seqoe UI. Please fix this annoying problem or show how to set the documents to print properly overriding the Seqoe font.

To answer the first question, you set the default paragraph (it’s called ‘No Style’ in the drop down) either in

  1. Options > Editing > Formatting for all new documents in every new project, OR
  2. Just for new documents in this specific project, in Project > Project Settings > Formatting.

Both include a 'use current formatting` tickbox allowing you to format something in the editor, then make that format become the default ‘no style’. (NB, this setting is nothing to do with Compile, only with how the document looks in the editor – unless you have a specific setup in the compiler, and normally, you wouldn’t if you were using one of the main default compile formats.)

But note: both these apply only to new documents. If any of your existing documents were created under a different default paragraph, then you must select all the affected documents and Documents > Convert > Text to default formatting otherwise they will retain the old format. This step is obviously necessary because there will be occasions when people deliberately want to retain the old format alongside the new.

This could explain the behaviour you’re seeing, so try this first. If not, it’s equally possible that your documents have different Section Types, and so the compile is treating them differently. But it’s impossible to tell that without learning more about how your project is set up – which compile target you are using, which format, whether you’ve editing any of the formats and layouts, and so on.

So try the first step above first, and see what changes, and if there are still problems, explain the exact steps you are taking to compile (which compile format, which section layouts have you assigned, have you edited anything in the format, and so on). Without that information it’s really very difficult to see what the problem might be.

If none of these steps work, then I would send a cut down version of the project to support – it may be a bug, of course, but there are several other things to try first.



Is this not the similar issue from you just recently as Scriv 3.0 is changing my font from Arial to Century New on compile - #3 by Alpha_Numeric_Data (where I note you didn’t answer all of @AntoniDol’s questions)?


obviously necessary? Really? When i have an old scrivener file and it has printed correctly, then upgrdeed to scrivener three and prints correctly, then on its own changes, how is that obviously?
I sense no real effort to take this seriously. no, this is not obviously, old scrivener files printed correctly and my first use of 3.0 worked fine, then it changed. This is not acceptable. I am really getting to the point where I wonder if i want to continue. I have brought up a problem, seen other posts asking about this, and no concern to fix it.

Ps i have programmed for over 20 years, so no, i do not accept this answer. If that is what Scrivener stnads behind I will look elsewhere.

If you really have programmed for 20 years, then you’ll know that there are necessary steps to reproduce problems, particularly when your own lack of knowledge about the process in the current version is so evident. One of those is identifying the steps that have been taken to compare them against the correct procedure.

If you fail to engage with those steps, then you are failing to help yourself. If you can’t be bothered to read other users’ replies properly, or respond to their questions, then how much help do you expect to get?

If you do all this while being petulant towards other users who are trying to help you, then the only person who will suffer is you.

You’ve been given enough information to start the process of solving the problem. Try the steps or don’t. Answer the questions or don’t. Or contact official support.


Read what I wrote again: it does not refer to old projects, but to the point that someone who changes default paragraph formatting within a project may want to preserve some documents with the old format; hence the need to manually convert existing documents to the new default format.



If you are indeed using Scrivener 3.0, then you should check for updates, as that version is several years back-level at this point. Also, if you have only recently upgraded to Scrivener 3, I would strongly advise consulting our upgrade Tutorial, as the Compile command in particular has been completely overhauled. You can find it here:
Mac: Scrivener 3: A Guide for Scrivener 2 Users - Literature & Latte

Please note that I am the only L&L staff member who has commented on this thread so far. Other forum participants are welcome to comment and to attempt to be helpful, but please be aware that they are not required either to help you or to tolerate abuse while doing so. For “official” support, please open a support ticket, here:

If the font is correct in the Editor and incorrect in the output document, then the issue undoubtedly relates to the Compile settings. If a new document in the Editor has incorrect formatting, then you need to change the default, either for the project or for Scrivener as a whole. As noted by others, you have not yet supplied enough information for people to determine which situation you have encountered.