Smart quotes change to opening quotes when importing from Word to Scrivener

I compiled my scrivner into a word document for final editing and submission to my publisher for my paperback version. They sent back a corrected copy which I want to import back into scrivner for final edit and to format my ebook version as well. Wehn I import the docx file back into scrivner, all of the smart quotes, opening and closing, are all converted into opening only quotes.

How can I correct this?

Hello volvodr66,

Welcome to the forum.

To fix the issue of all smart quotes turning into opening-only quotes when importing your corrected .docx file into Scrivener:

  • Open the .docx in Word to confirm the quotes are correct there. If not, use Word’s Find and Replace (Ctrl+H) to reapply smart quotes, then save and re-import.
  • In Scrivener, import the file (File ▸ Import ▸ Files…), then select each document and use Edit ▸ Transformations ▸ Convert Quotes to Smart Quotes to fix the direction.
  • If that doesn’t work, copy the text to Notepad to strip formatting, paste it back into Scrivener, and reapply smart quotes with the same Convert Quotes to Smart Quotes tool.
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Without detracting from @Kazz’s advice above, try Ctrl+Shift+Q to change all smart quotes of the pieces imported into Scrivener to standard quotes. Then press Ctrl+Q to get everything back to smart quotes and you’ll note that the opening quotes render as they should. Well, that’s my experience from an experiment I ran a few minutes ago. It’s a major time saver for Scrivener Windows users.

Thanks, I finally figured it out. I had to select all of the text, change it to standard quotes, then change it back to smart quotes and it worked. Don’t know why, but it did.