I compiled my scrivner into a word document for final editing and submission to my publisher for my paperback version. They sent back a corrected copy which I want to import back into scrivner for final edit and to format my ebook version as well. Wehn I import the docx file back into scrivner, all of the smart quotes, opening and closing, are all converted into opening only quotes.
To fix the issue of all smart quotes turning into opening-only quotes when importing your corrected .docx file into Scrivener:
Open the .docx in Word to confirm the quotes are correct there. If not, use Word’s Find and Replace (Ctrl+H) to reapply smart quotes, then save and re-import.
In Scrivener, import the file (File ▸ Import ▸ Files…), then select each document and use Edit ▸ Transformations ▸ Convert Quotes to Smart Quotes to fix the direction.
If that doesn’t work, copy the text to Notepad to strip formatting, paste it back into Scrivener, and reapply smart quotes with the same Convert Quotes to Smart Quotes tool.
Without detracting from @Kazz’s advice above, try Ctrl+Shift+Q to change all smart quotes of the pieces imported into Scrivener to standard quotes. Then press Ctrl+Q to get everything back to smart quotes and you’ll note that the opening quotes render as they should. Well, that’s my experience from an experiment I ran a few minutes ago. It’s a major time saver for Scrivener Windows users.
Thanks, I finally figured it out. I had to select all of the text, change it to standard quotes, then change it back to smart quotes and it worked. Don’t know why, but it did.