
Does anybody have any idea why, on my OSX 4 MacBook, the Apple-S shortcut doesn’t work for shapshots

Because it’s cmd-5, not cmd-S? :slight_smile:

Ah! That’ll be why, then… !

Scriv is so good. I’ve only written three chapters of a crap novel and three commercial stories so far – I’m a [mechanical] tech hack, and am therefore just getting into the programme.

Congratulations, mate; it’s a rational, seamless – and very clever – encapsulation of existing facilities.

Way to go: well worth a lot more than 30-odd squids for your efforts.

Would playable research audio [transcript] files be too difficult?



Terribly sorry KB; I’ve just discovered how to play audio in Scriv – so, forget the question [I was trying to run it from Research.]

Even more reason for massive praise, I’d say. Well done.



Many thanks for the kind words, Martin - and I’m glad you are getting into and finding your way around the program. Feel free to fire away with any more questions.
All the best,