Something weird is going on with my scrivener app


I keep trying to open or move my existing scrivener app (which I downloaded from the app store), but I keep getting warnings. I finally got it to open after I installed a new version from L&L, but I still can’t move the app to a more secure place. This all started after I got a warning that Dropbox was not a secure place to back up my files.

I also can’t find the Scrivener app on the back end and can’t move it from my desktop to my “applications” folder because it says it’s not installed. However, my app store says it has been installed and will open up existing projects.

What Scrivener file is on your system?

If it’s the .dmg you need to double click on that, then drag the resultant .app file to Applications

The warning about Dropbox, was that because you were putting your backups in the same Dropbox folder as your projects?

the scrivener.dmg file is the one I downloaded from L&L and doesn’t have the license already attached to it, it’s also a completely different app from the one I already had. As for the Dropbox thing, I only had my .zips there, so I don’t know why that warning would pop up.
Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 7.01.18 PM

I found the multiple files and the two at the end are the ones from the app store, and only the one on the very right can be opened. The one in the middle cannot be opened at all. The one on the left is the one downloaded from L&L and tells me I need to purchase it or use the trial version.

Firstly, yes the one downloaded from L&L would say that as the licensing on the App Store is separate. When you say it’s a completely different app from what you had, what do you mean by that?

Suggestion, Delete all three

Redownload from the App Store again. If that fails again, there is provision on the App Store for you to report a problem.

It shouldn’t cause an issue, but temporarily disable any anti-virus app you might have for the download and install.


@RuffPub’s advice is good. Edit: I would also suggest restarting your computer if you haven’t done so recently.

Your work will be safe. It is stored separately from the Scrivener application.

Our ability to assist with installations from the App Store is very limited. If re-downloading doesn’t work, you’ll need to contact their support.

Meanwhile, the trial version from our site will work for 30 days of actual use. If you aren’t able to get your App Store installation working in that time, contact us with proof of your App Store purchase.

I purchased scrivener through the app store, but I recently downloaded it again and don’t know where to find the licensing info.

If you purchased through the App Store, you won’t have, or need, a license key. The App Store software handles that for you.

This does mean that to reinstall you’ll need to use the App Store software as well.

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I, for some reason, cannot uninstall or install from the app store anymore, so I had to redownload it through the L&L website. My scrivener (from the app store) is stuck in a sort of limbo state where I can’t open it and I can’t delete it.

Merged with your other thread.

the only one I can delete is the one from L&L because the other one does not “exist” (even though it does, my mac just can’t seem to read it).
I mean it’s a completely different app because the one from L&L came with all the default settings, whereas the one from the app store has all of my personal settings and appearance.

I do have my work backed up to Dropbox, and I’ve copied and pasted my current project onto Pages in case I needed to delete my Scrivener or restart! I have restarted my computer and updated it and that didn’t work, so I’ve asked a subreddit dedicated to the macOS and will follow their advice for how to locate every file and delete it. hopefully it works!

Deleting the Scrivener apps won’t impact your project data.

Find the apps in the applications folder using Finder and right click to send them to Trash.

Ensure you log in to the App Store with the same AppleID you purchased. Click on your name on the bottom left of the App Store screen and a window will open with Purchased by (your name). There should be a cloud with a down facing arrow next to Scrivener. Click that to download.

The app is the same regardless of where you install from. The reason why the App Store download includes your settings is likely because it considers it’s updating or reloading the previously installed app and links to the preferences already installed while the one you’ve downloaded from L&L considers it’s a virgin install and down’t even look for preferences.

To be honest I would not follow advice from any subreddit on what files to delete within the OS as from experience during my time in AppleCare, their advice is wrong as often as right.

If you still cannot get the download to work from the App Store, book a call with AppleCare. They provide support on installing and deleting 3rd party apps.

yes, as I have shown in the pictures, I have double-clicked, right-clicked, and dragged the app into the trash. all actions result in the same thing–a warning telling me I can’t delete the app because it doesn’t exist (as shown in the pictures and as explained previously). I can screen-record the process to show you how frustrating it is. I still have not deleted anything except for the L&L app that I installed earlier today. Part of the reason is I’m unable to delete any of the previous iterations of the app. I know how to re-install, my issue is I cannot delete the already existing versions because according to my MAC, they don’t exist.

OK, if those are the app icons displayed in the Applications folder it points to some essential files having been deleted but not a clean delete.

Have you moved apps or files manually at any time?

Given where you seem to be, there are a couple of options that may clean everything without you directly going into hidden directories.

CleanMyMac X is usually reliable. There is a 7 day free trial but you have to provide a credit card and remember to cancel within the 7 days.

Others that also have a good rep are DeleteApps and Aweeraser.

These MAY tidy up whatever loose ends are causing the issue, however with any of the delete apps applications there is the potential for them to delete files that may be required for multiple applications. I’ve not personally seen it but there is always a potential.

My actual involvement in this is now a couple of years out of date, so I repeat the best option is likely to be AppleCare.


I have emailed L&L like kewms suggested, so I think I’ll also email or contact Apple support. I don’t want to delete anything that will cause further harm on my computer. Thanks for the advice!

We can assist with getting Scrivener from our site working, and possibly with a license if you aren’t able to get your App Store download working. We have no ability to help if – as appears to be the case here – the App Store functionality itself is misbehaving.

I have been able to delete the app store app, so all I would need is the license for the L&L app. That’s what I’ve emailed to the support team! Still, I will contact apple about the issue, in case it happens again.

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