Was wondering if there is some way to set up a sort of text such that the chunks being sorted were defined by user defined chunk delimiters strings (example: return&return) such that the following list:
caring deeply about another
directed anger
the feeling of dread
the understanding of another’s situation
no preference at all
would be sorted not as individual words or lines but series of lines separated by double returns.
Desired (ascending alphabetic) sort would yield:
the understanding of another’s situation
Have you thought of using Line-feeds Opt-Cmd-Return rather than Returns in your term+definition sets. I think it should treat the whole as a single line internally and therefore permit the sorting you require.
That has nothing to do with formatting or special characters. What you seemed to be proposing would very much involve special characters.
Line-feed is not a “special character“, it’s a way of moving text down to the next line in appearance, but without creating a carriage return which would prevent alphabetisation as you want.