Sorting the binder files

Yes, just select the parent folder in the binder, then go to outline view, then click on the column that you want to sort. Click again if you want to sort the other direction. Click again if you want to revert to the current binder order. If you don’t see a column for the meta-data you are wanting to sort by, just right click (Control-click) anywhere in the outline columns title row area and a menu will appear allowing you to choose which columns to present. After you have sorted your documents as you prefer, select them all and drag them to the original folder they are from in the binder. The binder will then show the documents in the order you have chosen.


Oh my goodness thank you for this! I have spent so much time with this trying to figure this out and why I can’t use the menu command. This is the solution I have been looking for for a very long time with multiple AI search helps. ChatGPT got me the closest I am glad those things search forums like this for answers. I was not getting the answer from the manual like I had hoped.

"Sorting can be done in the following cases: wherever there is a flat list of
adjacent items that can be arranged in a view, when a single item is selected
that is a container to other items or when more than one line of contiguous
text has been selected in an editor. Possible applications include items
in the binder, outliner or corkboard views, keywords, bookmarks and so