Speech typing

I’m new to Scrivener…& technology challenged. Have 200 pages (longhand) I’d like to dictate into multiple files/chapters. Scrivener 3

Where do I find instructions for getting started with ‘voice typing’.
Thanks much.

Austin TX

PS. Like the request from the Denver user, would love to locate a “Scrivener Tutor” here in Austin. Surely there is one out there… show of hands please.
Thanks again


Scrivener for Windows doesn’t have speech to text.
Either use the built in one from Windows, or alternatively use Google Docs’ (then copy/paste the result in your project), which is pretty good or decent if you speak English.
Those two options are free.
If you don’t mind the expense, there is Dragon, which is pretty much the Cadillac. (But costly.)

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You might find this article useful: Write with Your Voice: How to Use Dictation with Scrivener | Literature and Latte.