Spellcheck for iOS is in need of a makeover

I’m new to Scrivener and so far I absolutely love it. That being said, as feature rich as this tool is it’s surprising that a basic feature like spellcheck is in the state that it is (for iOS, at least). Below I’ve listed out some wishlist items. :slight_smile:

Feature suggestions (in order of priority):

  1. Spellcheck should work I’m running into this issue and it seems like others are as well. But, spellcheck should work without having to fiddle with iOS settings. I read somewhere that scrivener doesn’t have a native spellchecking engine and relies on Macs- as much as I love this tool, not having a functioning spellcheck is a major oversight.

  2. Spellcheck should be on as a global default: This is a writing tool, a user should not have to turn on spell check for a given document each time they want to use it. This should be a default-ON global setting, and if the user wants to turn it off then they have that option. Adjusting these settings should be easily accessible in the top nav and should not require going into the system preferences/settings.

Thank you in advance!

Assuming it is possible to replace the inbuilt iOS spellchecker, that would mean L&L having to purchase a licence for a 3rd party one if such exists, or develop their own from scratch, an enormous task that would divert resources from their core work.

Gotcha. That makes sense. The use of iOS spellchecker is a minor point, my feedback is more so related to how it’s implemented. Another note, after troubleshooting and checking the forum, it also looks as though grammar errors aren’t being checked either.

One of the problems here is that iOS and MacOS both use a system spell checker that is enabled at the OS level and on by default. I’m fairly sure you can install third party tools for spell checking on MacOS, but I don’t know of any that work on iOS.

On iOS the setting is nested in the Keyboard sub-menu of the General tab of the Settings app. Auto-[in]correct and Auto-Capitolize are found in the same place.

A note about the default spell checker built into iOS/iPadOS: It’s near real time checking, with a catch. When you first load a file, anything pre-existing will not trigger red (spelling) or blue (grammar and/or word choice) underlines until your cursor passes through that area. It can be fiddly too sometimes, so I agree it needs some love, but its Apple’s bailiwick not L&L’s.

To my knowledge there is not a “legacy style” Spell Check command to trigger in iOS/iPadOS.


Update: After posting this, I realized that the top navigation toolbar is customizable and I was able to add the spellchecker button (gripe solved!)

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