Story Genius scene card

I’m brand new to Scrivener and tech challenged at the best of times. I’ve found an importable Story Genius ‘scene card’ table from Gwen Hernandez at Writer Unboxed. I was able to download it and get it to show up in my templates section of the binder. I filled it out, but could not drag it into my manuscript files as it does not read as text.

I also tried to create my own Story Genius scene card using ‘table’ but was not able to select anything.

Being able to file these scene cards with fully written scenes and character sketches in the text section of the binder is the main reason I’m exploring Scrivener on the 30 day trial. Any tips on how to solve this would be most welcome. Thank you!

Did you read the instructions on Gwen’s site? She gives a step by step on how to use her template in Scrivener.

Hi! Thanks for your response. I did read the instructions and attempted several times.

Have you also gone through the Scrivener Interactive Tutorial?

Yes! Also watched a L&L video on ‘tables’ but only talks about inserting one into text, not using one as a template.

Have you tried :

I believe that this is a step you should have taken before filling it up though.

Can you post a link as to from where these are downloadable ?
I’d try to use one and could come back to you with (if successful) more details on the how to.

[EDIT] OK, I went and read the instructions real quick, I believe I gave you the right answer already.
Create a new document from the template.
Do not fill the infos directly in the template.

Technically, you should be able to select-all (Ctrl+A under Windows, I don’t know what the Mac shortcut is) in the template document you already filled and copy that to a new blank document.
(On second thought, might as well simply create a new document from that template. No harm done.)
Then, clean up the template document of whatever you typed in there, so it is back to its original state, ready for the next time you need it.

Hey Vincent - here’s the link to Writer Unboxed.

When I open my downloads folder when Scrivener is closed, the Scrivener template is there. When I go through the steps on Gwen’s website, no problem until I go to open my downloads folder. Somehow, once I open Scrivener the template download disappears and all the content in my downloads folder is light grey (as in not clickable). Has any one else experienced this? Could it be because I’m using the trial version of the software?

Looking at the Scrivener icon in your screenshot from Ms. Hernandez’s website, that looks like Scrivener 2 for Mac OS X and not Scrivener 3.

I just tested that download, and Scrivener 3 on my Mac can’t open it.

Thank RuthS! It helps knowing it’s not operator error! Now I just need to find a way to get a Story Genius scene card to work in Scrivener 3. I tried making one using the ‘table’ within Scrivener and it would not allow me to drag and drop it in the manuscript/draft section of the binder as it was considered a media file. If anyone has any tips, I’d be grateful to learn how to do this.

Hello kbarcs. I just replied to your help ticket on this. But, I’ll also post here in case it helps other users.

It does look like that template was built for Scrivener 2 for Mac OS X, which is the reason Scrivener 3 can’t use it.

The old Scrivener 1 for Windows uses the same templates as Scrivener 2, so I downloaded that template to my PC. I was able to import it into Scrivener 1. I then created a new project using it and saved that to my PC.

I had Scrivener 3 for Windows update that project’s formatting, and then saved that project as a template. I’m attaching a ZIP of that template from Scrivener 3 for Windows.

Story (50.7 KB)

I cannot guarantee that it will work in Scrivener 3 the same way it would have in Scrivener 2. Some of the settings and tools changed a lot between the two versions, so this template may be imperfect.

And, full disclaimer: I haven’t attempted to design templates nor did I dig into this one to review its settings.