BUT, I made a copy of the project called EEK-Manuscript and the icon still shows this old name. I wouldn’t care really except when I compile the EEK-Manuscript project to Word using my Pandoc compile, the overall Word document still begins with that same title:
Well I got a work-around for the compile issue. Still curious, I opened the project package contents and there is a QuickLook folder there that is the culprit for the icon weirdness:
Looks like Scrivener made a correction to the icon and QuickLook info after I completed the compile. The icon now shows the project title as EEK-MANUSCRIPT as I had expected to see. Not seeing this expected title was what caused my post here to the support forum in the first place. I guess I am good now both for compiling and visualization.
I don’t recall precisely every condition that updates this icon, but the main ones are open, close, using the save command manually, and compiling. Since it has to rebuild a graphic and all, it being a bit of an expensive operation in terms of CPU use for that reason, it isn’t done with every auto-save. You want that to be as fast as possible since it can happen between keystrokes.
Thanks @AmberV for the clarification. I have been saving using the Command-S keystroke and had kept the project open in Scrivener for over a day. So once the compile metadata change happened, and I compiled, the QuickLook info got refreshed. Good to know,