Struggling to Compile to a Tufte layout and see the result

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So, I have set up an environment cloning GitHub - Tufte-LaTeX/tufte-latex: A Tufte-inspired LaTeX class for producing handouts, papers, and books
I can generate the bibliography and the final PDF document using

$ pdflatex my-tufte-handout
$ bibtex my-tufte-handout
$ pdflatex my-tufte-handout

and it works great

Now I need help to have the same Compile workflow from Scrivener
Do you know someone who could help me do that? Money is not a problem.

The Pandoc-flavoured markdown engine Quarto ( works with Scrivener’s compiler and has a Tufte-inspired layout that you could consider?

You would write using Styles and Section Types and compile to pandoc-flavoured markdown, running Quarto to build the PDF (it uses LaTeX under the hood). You can look at the Quarto threads on this forum for more details… Someone with sufficient experience could also adapt Tufte-latex class for Quarto/Pandoc, I’ve done it for Tufte-CSS (a HTML+CSS tufte layout) a few years ago, for online use.

Otherwise the General LaTeX non-fiction template is the best starting place (you would write directly using LaTeX, though there are still tricks to utilise styles etc. to make the writing less intrusive than just using a text editor), and you would scaffold up the compile.

My general advice is that you can do almost everything you can in pure LaTeX with Pandoc/Quarto and the advantages of using Markdown are simpler writing and much more flexibility for the future (you can also generate an EPUB, website, Word or Openoffice etc. document without changing your project)…

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I found a more modern Tufte-layout that support XeLaTeX and BibLaTeX, I made a Scrivener templete to use it, which is available here: Tufte Book for Scrivener Template