Struggling to get Ipad to Sync with Mac

I was doing great working on my project on my mac and iPad. Now I can’t get the project to show up on my iPad even though I confirmed it’s in my dropbox. I also see project on my iPad that are not on my mac. How do I get this to all sync up again. Any ideas?

This sounds like you have your Mac and iPad pointing to different directories on Dropbox.

On your iPad, go to the projects list, tap EDIT then tap the Gear Icon on the bottom, then select DROPBOX SETTINGS and from there you can verify where your iPad is looking on Dropbox for your projects. You should be able to then compare that to where your Mac is looking on Dropbox.

If by some oddity that your Mac is looking at the same folder as the above, you might want to make sure that you haven’t had some sort of issue where the user account your logged into each device has changed. (User A on Mac and User B on iPad)

Also make sure sync has completed and you set the scrivener folders as “offline”. Trouble shooting FAQ available on Literature & Latte web site.

Thank you. That was the problem. I don’t. know why my computer decided to move my project to a different Dropbox folder when all was honky dory before, but I was able to fix it. Thanks for taking the time to suggest that.