Style none selection missing in iOS? Also style best practice

On the desktop, you can select None in the style drop down, but I can’t seem to find the equivalent in the iOS version. Is it the best practice to set your text to Default, rather than None? Is there any way of setting Default as the default for new documents?

Default is the default for new documents.

No, the default formatting in iOS Scrivener does not assign a style. So yes, it’s what you want for unstyled text.

The reason for the different terminology is that iOS Scrivener is compatible with both Mac Scrivener 2 and Mac Scrivener 3. Mac Scrivener 2 didn’t have styles, but it did have formatting presets.

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Thanks for your reply. My problem was that once I’d selected a style in Scrivener for iOS, I didn’t see how to revert it to default, or none, because I was expecting it to be an option in the Style menu as in the macOS version. I have now since discovered that the option to set the style to default is in the Formatting Options submenu of the Style menu. However, I find this to be unintuitive. I feel that the default style is a style and thus should be an option on the style menu.

The default formatting is not a Style, and does not behave like one.

We do not recommend using a “body” style. Most text should use the default (unstyled) formatting.

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Originally I changed the default formatting to look exactly the same as my “body” style. But I am tempted to change the default to something horrible. Said before I come from the SGML/XML world (past member of WG8) where everything has a “style” (strictly speaking its an element type) and therefore I use my “body” style.