I didn’t enjoy the experience of part of the project (common things like characters and resources that could traverse many projects) being in another project.
I work with QRPs but opening a QRP that way opens it over its native project, which I found distracting.
By the way, is there a method to sequentially find document containing Document Bookmarks. I lost my internal bookmarks when consolidating three projects into one using the Documents > Copy to Project Method. It’ll also serve me well to check for severed links in future, or links to the internet that may no longer exists when I do a verification edit.
Rather importing the projects from within the destination project preserves the bookmarks, I believe ; if it ain’t too late for you.
Did you give Winsize2 a try ?
Not yet. I’ll get around to it sometime.
Why wait.
It is the easiest of all things.
You position and size the QR panel as you want it, you hit Ctrl-Alt-Z and that’s it. That QR will self size/position every time you open it.
Ctrl-Alt-Z once for “learn”, twice for “forget”.
Anyways, just to say that if the QR positioning was an issue for you, that’s the best solution (the only one, actually) that I know of.
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When at home (most of the time), I toss QRPs to my second monitor. If Winsize2 can make a QRP full screen, it will save me a maximise, because for a normal display between disparate monitors (4k on laptop, 1080p on external monitor). A window must be full size in Windows before moving it (Win+Shift+Left or Right), else it either displays too large or too small, depending which way you’re swapping.
Scrivener’s not like Office, it doesn’t auto adjust resolution between these monitors without being full screen.
Furthermore, little QRPs are an eyestrain, for me, which is why I don’t do side-by-side or top-bottom on one screen.
I see.
Then no, it won’t do for you.
It has a function to make windows full-screen, but you’d have to move it yourself afterwards (the app does one resize+move only, no sequence), and so, well… there’s no point in that case.
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This is what I do (more or less). I have a Universal Notes project for my series. Various chapters (gods, spells, magical disciplines, races, characters, etc…) and the documents under the chapters for the details. I hadn’t thought of your use of hyperlinks and am going to try that.
Something else I do is use custom metadata to tag each scene with dtails related to that scene, such as POV, Characters in the scnene, location, items, spells , day, etc…) I can see these values in the Outliner view. I find that useful
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