Suffix Image not resizing

I want to use an image above and below my title. I went to the format menu and edited the heading suffix and prefix with the image tag. I used h=10; ebook =30% to test out the sizes and scaling. The images are in the binder.

When I compiled, the images were included in the epub but they took up the full width when I opened the book on my phone and on a desktop. It’s very large. Changing the size or percentage in the settings has no effect on how it compiles. Adding a width value didn’t help. Zero effect.

How do I get the images to scale properly???

Can you check the CSS in the Compile Format Designer for a statement that overrules the image width setting? A statement matching all images will overrule the generated CSS for these images from Scrivener.

Is there where you are talking about?

Yes, but there could be more rules matching the images… Are images Display: block; by default?

Tried used custom css and then I set it to display:inline block, and then I tried just inline.

Still not changing

That’s what I would have done. This is a strange case, because these kind of images are normally centered, not justified.

Maybe add a empty line before the images, using a ‘hard return’?

Can you upload a simplified version of your project?

There is a bug in whereby the ebook percentage in the image placeholder is not applying unless there’s also a fixed layout width included (though the value of that doesn’t matter). So for your ebook layout, you could just change the height value to a width value: <$img:ImageName;w=10;ebook=30%>.