Suggestion on how to bring scratchpad

I need to use the scratchpad notes on the iPad, but since there is no Scratchpad feature for iOS is there any workaround?
I know Copy and Paste, but maybe there is something fancier.
Thanks in advance.

The easiest solution would be to incorporate the Scratchpad notes into the relevant project on the desktop. There’s a “Send to Project” dropdown menu at the bottom right of the Scratchpad window.


Consider also that the Scratch Pad is deliberately designed to be easy to sync. It is a simple folder, that you can find the location of on your Mac or PC, by going into settings, under General: Scratchpad. You do not need any special technology to sync a folder with some text files in it, and there are many mobile tools that can load such files directly and edit them, out of Generally you can use whatever sync service you want. The idea is to locate that folder somewhere that does sync automatically, and then tell Scrivener where it is again.

Something to consider is that you can change the file format here. Using something like plain-text with the “.md” extension will greatly expand the number of tools that can work with your notes (anything that can load Markdown or plain-text files), whereas .rtfd (which I think is still the Mac default) will work with next to nothing. Do be aware that if you change that it won’t convert existing notes, but as they are just normal files this is easy to do if you want them all to be one way or another.

So on the iPad: split your screen between Scrivener and the other text editor that is working on your notes, or throw the latter into the slide-out sidebar thing on the right, for omnipresent access.


Thank you.

Since I use Dropbox for my projects, I believe I can set the Scratchpad in a Dropbox folder as well. That wouldn’t hurt, would it?

Thank you, that I did!

I don’t understand how it could possibly hurt anything, so maybe I don’t know what you mean by that. Are you proposing to put the scratch pad folder inside a .scriv project folder? Don’t do that, there is no reason to, and nothing on your iPad will be able to access it.

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Thank you for clarifying. I’ll set up the Scratchpad in a Dropbox folder outside of the .scriv project folder to ensure it’s accessible on my iPad. Thanks again for your help!