Sync button red on ipad - what to do?

I write on mac and ipad in parallel.
I carefully close my scrivener on my mac when I finish and I sync on ipad before opening project.
this worked well for 3 weeks.
And yesterday, I did as usual but I saw the red sync button . I clicked but sync stopped with error message.
What should I do?

-first I backed up everything on my mac where I made the last changes
but should i do on ipad to sync?

Offhand I don’t know what the “red” means. Probably documented in the Scrivener Manual?

Meantime, perhaps start with this:

Using Dropbox, or if not what sync method?

What did the error message say?

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to back up the iPad before you dig too deep. Here’s how:

the solution I found (and applied):

  1. backup of the 2 projects indicated on ipad as dysfunctional (on Mac)
  2. delete these 2 projects (on Mac)
  3. sync ipad: executed without errors (as project were deleted
  4. add the 2 projects (on Mac)
  5. sync ipad
  6. everything ok