Table of Contents assigning wrong page numbers

Hello! I recently picked up bookbinding as a hobby, as a result I’ve also found myself taking public domain books and formatting them to bind. I’ve been trialing Scrivener and I feel like I’ve learned how to use it well enough for my purposes, I’ve nearly got a copy of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ready to go.
I am having a problem where the table of contents just doesn’t have the right page numbers to the chapters. The numbers can also change from compile to compile, without me making any changes to the project. The first few chapters will reference the correct page numbers, but at a seemingly arbitrary point it will start assigning successive chapters the next page number. I haven’t been able to find any posts with a similar issue. I’ve included a couple example screenshots of the issues, as well as the project since it’s a public domain book anyhow. Does anyone know what might be causing this? Thank you!

This is the project file, if any are looking to help (1.2 MB)

What format are you compiling to? And what are you using to inspect the output document?

Are the relevant chapters present in the output file? If text is missing, then the ToC could be accurately reflecting what’s there.

(Incidentally, Scrivener is not intended to replace dedicated page layout programs.)

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Thank you for replying. I am compiling to a modified paperback format as a pdf. All of the pages of the text are present. All of the links in the editor on the TOC link to the correct document in the binder.

The project you sent compiled fine for me, but it didn’t seem to include the specific Compile format you’re using. If you right-click on the format from the main Compile screen, there will be an option to Export it.

I did notice that the Binder is structured so that Chapters are folders, each of which contains exactly one scene with the same name. Scrivener should be able to handle that situation without difficulty, but it does add a layer of complexity that isn’t really needed.

Sorry for the delay, there was a lot going on the last couple of weeks. I have uploaded the custom format I was modified, but using either of the default paperback formats for compile will reproduce the same problem. The compiled PDF still starts listing sequential pages in the TOC instead of the pages they’re linked to in the software. The screenshot below is from the default 6"x9" paperback format.

Custom format 5.06"x7.81"-
Custom Paperback.scrformat (72.7 KB)