I have my writing goal and the target word count. When I write for the day, I will get a number for the session target that is higher than the actual number to meet my goal. I can resent the session target by going to options in changing the target date up by one and then back down to the original target date I get the accurate number. However, the following day when I do this again the number is wrong. I’m not sure why this occurs and if any other people have experienced this behavior?
Some quick maths tells me that 1354 is the number of words a day needed for the remaining 34 days that you need to reach 90,000 words. I can’t quite understand what is happening from your post, but I suspect that whenever you write Scrivener is recalculating the daily word count to reach your target.
My issue is not that I can get a correct session target word count. The problem is the number resets the next day to a different higher number. I can reset to the correct number by changing the target date to X and then back to original date to get the correct number.
Hi Lee, you’ve set a Deadline and a Project Target. Scrivener calculates the Session Target for you, based on your Session Target settings.
When there are less days to reach your Project Target, the calculated Session Target will become higher.
If you want a constant session target, you should remove the deadline to prevent Scrivener from calculating it.
Ok, I see after midnight and one day less to write the target goes up before start writing as less days to accomplish the goal. Didn’t appreciate the recalculation.
I want the number to motivate the grind. Currently writing first draft of a horror novel 43,000 in. Pushing to hit the target or above every day.
When you hit the calculated Session Target, you’ll be reaching your goal on or before the deadline.